24. You're a Liar

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I woke up with an ache in my neck as I lifted my head from a hard surface that obviously wasn't my pillow. My eyelids slowly opened, and I found Niall watching me intently with a smile on his face.

We spent the entire night just talking about anything and everything. Telling each other stupid stories like how when he was eight he got peed on by his neighbor's puppy and for the rest of year he avoided dogs. And how when I was younger I had a fear of going to the bathroom by myself because I was always scared that Bloody Mary would come get me after I left the stall.

It must've been late when we finally let our exhaustion take over us because the light in my room was still on and we were dressed in yesterday's clothes.

 "Good morning," Niall mumbled, his accent thicker with his morning voice. The yellow flecks in his blue topaz irises were brighter during the earlier hours of the days and it made a smile grow on my own face.

"Morning," I replied before sitting and rubbing my eyes. With a yawn, I stretched my arms over my head before looking back to the boy. "How did we end up like this?"

He chuckled and sat up as well, leaning his back agaisnt the headboard. "You rolled on top of me in your sleep."

"Sorry." A sheepish smile took over my previous one and I avoided looking at him as my cheeks began to heat up.

"It's okay, I slept really well," he politely dismissed my apology, making my blush deepen even more.

"Wanna go get breakfast?"

"Yes, I'm starvin'," he answered with a grin as he stood up as well, "I'll go get changed and meet you back here, yeah?"

"Yeah." I nodded with a smile and he leaned over, and my breath caught in my throat for a moment as I thought he was going to kiss me. Almost like he realizeed what he was doing, he pulled back and gave me a small smile before leaving my room.

After the door shut, I went over to my bags which my mom must've brought up at some point yesterday. The casual attire I brought back were nicer than the clothes still in my closet, and I wanted to dress nicely for Niall. My nicer outfits I left here because I didn't think I would have any use for them. Now that I was going to parties it would probably make sense for me to bring them back to school.

For late November, it wasn't too cold out yet, so skinny jeans, top, and a leather jacket would do the trick. I put on a headband, a few necklaces, ankle booties, and my aviators to go over my almost all black outfit before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called, and Niall stepped into my room. A grin formed on my lips as I looked at him. He had on a black shirt and pants, then a denim jacket with a hood attached to it.

He looked so hot, I had a love/hate relationship with how attractive he was.

The boy looked me up and down slightly, biting his lip.

"What is it?" I asked, looking down at my outfit to make sure everything was in place.

Niall sighed softly before shrugging slightly. "I'm just not really sure how people were so able to ignore you when you look like that," he mumbled, a light shade of pink covering his cheeks.

His compliment made blood rush to my own cheeks and I waved him off dramatically. "Shut up." I grabbed my purse with my wallet and car keys already in it. "Come on, I'm driving."

"Oh god, should I be scared?" Niall teased as we left my room and went downstairs.

"No! I'm a good driver."

He laughed and followed me out of the house and to the driveway where my 2008 white Honda Accord sat. It was a hand-me-down car from my mom to my brother to me. Luckily within the two years each one of them had it, they treated it with tender love and care.

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