12. Then Who Is?

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"Hey, I need to kick you out of the room for a bit."

I looked up from my notes and arched one of my eyebrows at Shelly. "Uhh... Why?"

"Because I was hoping to have some alone time with this guy..." My roommate grinned at me and a frown settled on my lips. She was kicking me out of my own room so she could hookup with some guy? Ugh, this was one of the few things that annoyed me about Shelly.

She was my best friend, but having her choose boys over me was starting to get really irritating. "Can't you go to his room?"

The other girl shook her head. "No, he's already here, just in the bathroom. Come on, Joss, please!"

Could she really not see that I was studying? All of my things were set out right in front of me on my desk. My head was yelling NO at her, but my mouth was saying something completely different. "Yeah, I'll go study in the common room, I guess."

Shelly squealed and clapped her hands together before starting to straighten up her side of the room while I stuffed my things into my backpack. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise to make it up to you with Dunkin Donuts in the morning!"

"Just text me when I can come back," I said, faking a smile as I stood up, slinging one of the straps over my shoulder.

"Will do!" Shelly winked at me and after I left our room, I rolled my eyes at the girl. Normally, on a Friday night I wouldn't be studying but I had three tests on Monday and wanted to study for one test per night. It was almost halfway through the semester now and I really wanted to do well in all of my classes.

My roommate went to the 18+ club instead.

Gross, who even was this guy that she brought back with her? Probably some drunk upperclassman who didn't even see her face until they were leaving the club together. I was madder than I expected to be at Shelly, and I took it out on my backpack as I tossed it down onto one of the couches in the common room.

It was empty so I didn't have to worry about anymore distractions, at least. This was the last time she would kick me out like that. I hated confrontation, but I really had to say something this time. It had been weeks since Shelly finally moved back into the room, and Niall was right, I needed to stand up for myself.

This was a chance for me to finally do that, but maybe I could do it in a way where we wouldn't have to fight. Just a few hours notice ahead of time would've been nice.

Studying for my test on art history managed to wipe away my angry thoughts towards my roommate. I had been sitting in the common room for at least an hour with my nose in my notes and still no text from her.

Jeez, they had some stamina.

My brain was fried. If I studied anymore, I probably would've exploded. Or imploded, at that point I really wasn't sure.

All I could do was sit in the common room until it the coast was clear for me to go back to my room. Oh joy.

That was until I saw a familiar face walk down the hallway and past one of the windows. "Harry!" I exclaimed so loud that his name echoed around the common room.

The boy stopped abruptly and started to look around in complete confusion. I laughed at his reaction, and picked up my already packed up backpack before poking my head out of the door. "Sorry, that was me."

"Joss! You scared the shit out of me," Harry laughed before giving me a dimply grin. "What are you doing in on a Friday night?"

I rolled my eyes a little in response, he knew well enough that I hadn't gone out since that party during the first week of classes.

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