Chapter 3 : Attack on lucy o.0

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When I saw a person against my wall. Not recognizing who the person was, my expression quickly changed.

The strange person was about to hit me, when Sting suddenly stepped in front of me. Blocking the punch with a plain expression.

Wow. I've never seen him like this? Should I be scared? What if something happens to me, to Sting? No this can't be happening.

While I was in my thoughts, the strange man and Sting were glaring at each other both with a serious expression.

That's when I felt someone come from behind me.

They kicked me in the back of my legs, causing me to fall on my hands and knees. The person then grabbed my hands and kicked me in my gut, making a piercing scream escape my lips.

I saw Sting look over to see what was happening, but the other man wouldn't let him come near me.

I felt weak. Like a helpless child who isn't able to do anything for their parents.

Stings POV

I could hear Lucy screaming dreadfully. Watching this guys friend picking on her, hurting her. Made me lose it.

I decided not to let them off easy.

"I will never forgive you for hurting her!" I said glaring at the two. My anger was reaching past its limit. "Don't worry Blondie, I'll save you."

Knocking the strange man who wanted to kill me against the wall, leaving him to be unconscious.
I rushed over to the one who kept beating Lucy.

But to my surprise, Lucy told me to stay away. She wanted to finish that one off. I was surprised, but I decide to back off, since she called dibs.

Lucy's POV

I saw Sting rush over to me. I feel so helpless, like a lost puppy.

Maybe Natsu and Lisanna were right. Maybe I'm weak after all. These thought's kept getting to me.

"I've had quite enough, so please, stop!" There was a rare look in my eyes, as if I was going to kill someone. I got off my knee's and look at the stranger's eyes.

"You've had enough of what?" The stranger asked while throwing a punch at me. I stopped him, by grabbing his hand.

"I am not, weak." I took hold of the stranger and through him out of my apartments window, sending him flying out towards the river.

Doing the same thing to his friend, I glanced over to see if Sting was fine. But before I could, I collapsed.

"Something strange is going to happen to you Lucy. You will soon find someone torn between two path's and it's going to include you in them." I heard a voice tell me, as I was in this white room. "You shall soon awake, and return to your world."

"Wait, I don't understand? Who are you?" I yelled.

"You will soon see what I'm telling you. I'm your dream guide, someone who leads you towards your future by giving you hints. I will be going now."

"Okay, thanks. But who is this someone you speak of? Please give me a tell me more, before you leave."

My curiosity was starving, it wanted to know the secrets that revealed the distant future.

"Lucy, this person is someone who is quite close with you. Helping this person might hurt their feelings towards their friends, but it will lead them to a better life." The Melodic voice spoke and soon pause before continuing on.

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