Chapter 2 : There for me :)

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"Lucy!" I heard a voice call out to me.

I thought I was dreaming but when I opened my eyes and found Sting hovering over me I knew I wasn't.

Great, I wasn't dead...

"Hey! Just how stupid, are you? I told you not to fall in. I was so....worried." Sting said as he gave me a hug.

"Sorry, I...didn't mean too." Sting picked me up princess style, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Even though he is an enemy of Fairy Tail, I forgave him long ago. I don't like holding grudges against people. I couldn't help but blush from his touch.

"Where's your place at?" Sting looked down and asked me. I told him where it was located, considering it was about three minutes from where we were.

As we were getting closer I saw someone selling my favorite snack, chocolate dipped strawberries!

Guessing that Sting saw my desire for them, because I absolutely enjoy eating them, he started walking towards the stand. As I was still in his arms.

"Yo Blondie, how many do you want?" I couldn't help but blush, since no one ever asked to buy me something I really like.

"Can I have two packs?" Considering a dozen of chocolate dipped strawberries came in one pack, they were a bit pricy. "I can pay if you want."

I just didn't want this man spending too much money on me.

I think I hurt his pride a little since he looked down at me once I mentioned I could pay for myself. I just felt bad having him pay for me.

So I tried ignored it. Instead I'm happy that someone wants buy me, my favorite snacks.

"Here you go." The old seller said handing me three packs. "Since your girlfriend is quite the beauty, I'll give you a third."

We both ended up blushing this time around.

"Thank you." I said sweetly to the old man with a smile. I waved goodbye to the seller as we left, and continued walking towards my apartment.

"I hope you like them." Sting said, still being flustered from what just happened.

If Sting was my boyfriend I probably kiss him, but he's not. So I decided to do something else instead.

I open one of the pack's and put four strawberries in my hand.

"Hey Sting." I said, getting his attention.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. Can you stop walking for a minute?" He did as he was told and stopped. "Now close your eye's and leave your mouth open."

"I wonder why. Are you going to give me a reward of some sort?" He smirked, probably thinking that he was going to get a kiss.

Once he closed his eye's and opened his mouth I was going to put the strawberry in his mouth, but then I remembered about the green thing attached to it. So I bit it off and dropped the chocolate covered strawberry.

When I dropped it in his mouth, he seemed a bit surprised.

"Sorry. I didn't me to fluster you. I just thought that you should have a strawberry."

"Thanks for the berry. Now I understand why you like these things so much." He said to me with a smile.

I'm really glad that I ran into Sting. He's really been here for me, when we barley even know each other.

A New Beginning For Me (Sting x Lucy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang