Chapter 4 : Pain Of Yesterday Sorrow Of Tomorrow

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After I finish showering I tried my best to get rid of my bad feelings.

Putting on my cute lifeguard pajamas, and I headed towards the comfy bed. I caught Sting looking at me, he quickly turned away with slightly red cheeks. I couldn't help but giggle, thinking it was just the cutest thing to see him like that.

"Why are you laughing, Blondie?" He looked at me as if he didn't know he was the reason.

"Just laughing about how cute you look." I started to blush, I didn't mean to say the last part out loud.

Oh well.

Sting caught me blushing.

"So you think I'm funny?" Sting started to walk towards me.

"Ah....kinda." I looked up to see Sting's eyes starring at me.

"And what part of me exactly is funny to you?" Sting grabbed my wrist, before I could react he pushed me on to my bed.

Sting stood over me as my back was against my bed, his face was an inch apart from mine. I couldn't help but blush even harder.

"Hey, Sting. You can move now." I said trying to get him off of me. He pinned my hands down side of me.

"Maybe, I don't want to Blondie." He said with a smirk on his face.

We both stood there looking at each other. Sting then started leaning closer towards me, I closed my eye's waiting for him to kiss me. But instead I saw Sting laughing at me.

"What did you really think we were going to kiss?" Sting teased me.

That was mean of him to do, so I crawled to my spot and slept by the window. Of course I was disappointed, but who wouldn't be.

I woke up during the middle night. I didn't feel Sting's arms around me.


I sat up I turned to see if Sting was there, to my surprise he wasn't. I got up and started walking towards the kictchen, when I heard Sting talking to someone.

He was talking to Rouge, who I believed is his friend. I heard him say his name. I decided to get close enough so I can hear them.

"How's your mission going so far? Did you find her?" Rouge asked.

"Shh, keep it down. She's sleeping as we speak, but yeah. Why?"

Wait, why are they talking about me and what does Rouge mean about Sting's mission?

"Oh, so you did find her. Sting what are you up to? What's making taking you so long?" I was shocked.

Why didn't sting say anything to me? Sting, why is he lying to me this whole time?

"Rouge, tomorrow I'm leaving her and going back to Sabertooth I have to take care of some business there." All of a sudden I heard Sting get serious.

What business is Sting talking about? And what does it have to do with me?

"I can tell that this so called business of yours is nothing to joke about. You wouldn't mind telling me what it is right? Does it have to do with her?"

I couldn't take it anymore.

"I want to quit Sabertooth." Sting was serious again, I couldn't believe what he just said.

Why is he quitting his guild?

I got closer to him, I stood right behind the door.

"What are you talking about Sting? Does it have to do with that stupid girl? Is she making you do this? You promised me that you would never leave me?" I could hear sadness and anger in Rouges voice.

"Leave Lucy out of this Rouge! I've been meaning to tell you, this for a while now. I saw what the Fairy Tail guild is like, they seem like a family caring for each other. While at Sabertooth no one cares if you made it back or not. Sabertooth isn't like it use to be after master died."

I wonder what happen to make Sting wanna quit his guild, and what happened to his master?

Thoughts kept running in my head as Sting continued to talk.

"I think Fairy Tail would be a better guild for us. After all the shit we did in the past, I regret it. I think it's better for us to start a new, and Fairy Tail is that place." I heard a loneliness in Sting's voice that I haven't before.

I wonder what happened in his past to make him the way he is now. But what if it's better to not know, then to know the truth?

"I agree that we did a lot of shit, but do you really think that they will forgive us? After what we did to them? I doubt it." Rouge was pretty sad, but worried?

Deciding it was time for me to say something. I got up and started to walk towards Sting.

I guess he heard my footsteps, because he turned around just enough to see me walking towards him.

I guess there's no turning back now...

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