Chapter 7 : Not as easy as we thought :3

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When I grabbed the shirt I felt someone else pull at it as well. I looked up to see who it was, it was Lisanna.

Our eyes met, you could feel the tension. But I didn't let what Natsu did get to me.

"You can have it. It would look better on you anyways." I told Lisanna with a smile.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who's sees it like that. I'm only just agreeing with you." She had a smirk on her face.

I didn't let it get to me. I left after that, and I'm glad I did too.

Why didn't I fight for the shirt, you may question. When Lisanna was talking to me I found an even cuter and less expensive shirt.

The shirt was a pastel pink with a white bow and black outlines on it. It had a Peter Pan collar on it with three bows going down after the collar. I was so happy I didn't buy that over price shirt Lisanna bought. Ha! Sucks for her.

Right across the shirt was a skater skirt that was a cream color, it would go great with this shirt. I thought to myself as I grabbed the skirt in my size.

I found a couple of things that I thought would go great for Levy and Mirajane.

For Levy, a shirt that had a sunset on it. A black skater skirt to go with it and a crop top shirt that says "normal is lame" in black and white, and had studs on the shoulders. Levy also bought some white sandals and cute book ring, it's a super tiny book on a ring that fits her finger perfectly.

For Mirajane I picked out, a cute black crop top, a pastel pink skater skirt, and some studded sandals. She also got a couple of rings and brackets.

Now for myself, I got, as you know a cute pastel pink top with Peter Pan collar and white bow but with black out lines on them going down on the shirt. Then a cream color skater skirt, a peachy romper. Along with a cream color bag, and some cute ear rings in the shape of bows. The bow earrings came in a set of 3 different colors, pastel pink, white, and black. They all were out lined in gold.

And the best part about our items was they were all on sale! So we only end ended up paying about thirty-eight dollars, which isn't bad at all.

As we were leaving the store I saw once again Lisanna and Natsu. They were still paying, when we left. I looked down at my watch to check the time. It was 8:25 pm. That's when I remembered that Wendy was coming at 8:45. I pulled out my phone to text her, but I had a message from Wendy.

The message read

"Sorry Lucy, I might be a bit later. Maybe around 9:45 pm. Sorry for being late."

I could tell that Wendy honestly felt bad for being later. I replied to her saying to take her time, and it's fine that she coming later.

I wanted to take my friends to the photo both sting took me to, after all we are best friends.

"Hey guys before we leave the galaxy, wanna take some pictures?" I pointed to the machine right across from the cafe we were at.

Hey, we needed some food. Don't judge me.

They both agreed to go after we ate. Mirajane ate some salad with some diet coke. Levy got some fries, a cherry coke and some chicken tenders. I got some fries, a chicken sandwich and a regular coke.

We ended up staying at Come And Get Some Food, longer then we thought, but other then that we had a blast!

Once we finished at the cafe, we headed over to the photo booth. I was happy to take pictures with my friends.

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