Chapter 12 : My haunting past :$

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Some thought's running in my head are WTF? How the heck did you find me? How does Yuki know you? What did you do to Yuki?

I still find it shocking that my old friend Zero, before he turned crazy, as in killer crazy, find me?

Zero took off his hood, the light in the room reviled his scar that across his cheek. Not to mention the smirk on his face.

I looked over at Yuki. She wasn't only shocked, but she was shaking like crazy. Her pupils widen when she saw him.

"Ah, Lucy." Zero said as he came closer towards me. I looked down at the ground, his sword was gone? How the hello kitty did it disappear?

"The last time I remember seeing you was about, thirteen years ago." He grabbed my chin, making me look in to his green earth-like eyes.

"W-what do you want Zero?" I said to him as I looked the other way.

I think Yuki was a little over whelmed because she left as quick as possible, I didn't mind she did. I mean the poor girl looked as if she was going to die.

"Awe, Lucy. Don't act as if you hate me, because we both know that's not true. I mean, wasn't I your first love after all?" His smirk grew even bigger.

"I don't know what your talking about." I continued looked the other way, avoiding to meet his gaze.

"It's so cute how you shake when you see me. But I assure you Lucy, there's nothing to be afraid of." He picked up my hand and put it on his face. He closed his eye's, as he brushed my hand on his cheek.

Is it wrong that I think his face is super soft? Just like a baby's butt.

Soon after asking Zero why he came to see me. He response was, he wanted to see me once more before permanently leaving.

"Ah? Your leaving, not a surprise. I take it you never changed since back then have you, Zero?" I was right, he hasn't changed one bit at all.

I feel, dizzy? Why is the room spinning? I looked back at Zero, he was coming closer towards me. His lips were pressed against mine.

He was kissing me? That's all I remembered before I blacked out......


"Lucy, wake up." I heard as I started to open my eyes. Yuki was standing right in front of me, her eye's looked as if she is worried. I bet she probably is.

"Yuki? What happened?" I'm super curious to know the reason for passing out like that.

"That wasn't a dream was it? I mean you saw him to right?" I looked at Yuki.

"No Lucy it wasn't a dream, I saw him as well. He didn't hurt you, did he?" The tone in her voice was pretty serious.

That reminds me, how does Yuki know Zero?

He couldn't have......Could he? No It's not possible Zero would never do anything like that, Right?

"No, I'm fine...But how do you know him?"

I hope I'm not being nosey. Because honestly I can't stand it when other people ask about my business. I could understand if she doesn't want to tell me.

"Oh, him. He was passing by me one day and stopped to look at me. I honestly thought he was going to hurt or even rape me. But instead he sat next to me and started to tell me about his life."

I understood what she was talking about, but yet why was she skaing when she saw him?

"But, how come you were shaking when you first saw him?" I couldn't help myself from asking why. I just had to know why. You know?

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