Chapter 9 : Jealous of WHO? 0_0

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Sting went to go get some air and invited me to come with. We both walked a bit further up and sat on a brick side walk along the river.

If he needs someone to be by his side, or have someone to know the feelings that he's going through then I'm here for him.

Sting looked at the floor, before he gave me his answer.

"It was fun." I looked him in the eyes, sadness filled his eyes. I got up and went behind him, giving him a hug from behind. And buried my head in his shoulder.

"I'll always be here for Sting, even if no one else is." I whispered to him.

"Come here Blondie." He said as he grabbed my arms and pulled me, causing me to sit on his lap. I blushed.

He had a smile on his face. I looked up at his eyes, he still looked lonesome but not as much as before.

I couldn't help but tackle him with my bear hug. He was caught off guard, yet I was still in his arms.

We fell backwards onto the grass, Sting caught me. We both started to laugh, I pulled away from him.

"Sorry for almost killing you." I looked at him in the eyes, he brushed my hair out of my face. I had leaves in my hair.

He had a smile, his eyes didn't have that same lonesome look anymore.

That made me happy.

Sting came closer towards me.

"What are you doing?" I was confused of why he was so close to me ?

"Thanks," he said before kissing my forehead. I blushed.

Why do I always get nervous around him?

He looked closer at me, nearly sticking his face in mine. "Blondie, let's go inside."

"I don't want to." He looked at me, I could tell he wasn't messing around with me.

"Come on, let's go." He got off the ground, holding out his hand to me. I took it.

We walked together back to my house.

I can't help but feel someone is watching us. I tried my best from thinking about it anymore then I'm already doing, it didn't keep me focus.

I decided to have a little race against Sting.

"Last one to the apartment has to do what the other person says."

"Your on, Blondie!" Sting yelled as he started to gain on me.

'Your not gonna beat me this time, mister bumble bee.' I thought to my self. I got off track and forgot about the race, man was that a mistake I might just regretted.

As I jogged back to my house, Sting was already there waiting for me. Dang, he can sure run fast if you ask me.

"Beat you, Blondie." He stuck his tongue out at me, I did the same back to him.

Once we both got inside, we took showers and got ready for bed.

But first I made sure everything was locked down stairs. I started to head up Stairs when all of a sudden I hear Sting talking again, but to himself this time.

I continued to go up the steps slowly and close enough to hear what it was that he was mumbling about.

"Damn. I really did it this time, and it hurts to." I looked to see what it was that he was talking about.

Sting had a big cut on his chest. Not to mention the basketball size bruise in his back.

I wonder how he got those? Could it be? I thought. Did he get them when he saved me today from Natsu? And the cut from him hurting himself on the edge of the brick sidewalk just now?

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