Chapter 22 : Jealousy :8

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Lucy's POV

People love to make me worry, don't they? Or else why would they be so stupid?

I began walking the trail to the hidden cave, the cave the three of us would often hangout at.

This sure brings back memories. I stopped and looked slightly behind my right shoulder, picturing the time Cana and I were hiding from Laxus. Because of that day, we all found our favorite place.

The trail is a tiring one, but the view at the end makes it al worth it. At the end of the cave is a bit more land, and then it comes to a stop. To a cliff that allows you to capture a view of the surroundings, it gives you a glimpse of the nature that makes our world, whole.

I approached the end of the cave faster than I expected to. I ended up finding what I wanted there, just as I hoped. It looks like my feelings were right. Then again when are they ever wrong?

"Looks like I've been found." I heard Laxus sigh. I smiled as I got closer towards him. I stood against the cherry blossom tree that's been here since forever.

"Brings back old memories. Doesn't it, Laxus?" My eyes shifted to him.

"Come here. I'm not a stranger." I laughed some-what at his comment as he patted the ground next to him. I did as I was told and sat next to him.

"It must be hard, moving on." I said as my eyes teared up. It must be hard especially since Laxus was hoping to spend the rest of his life with Cana. I leaned my head on his should as I looked at the beautiful sunset before us. "I'm sorry Laxus."

"It's okay, chipmunk. No one could've known this would happen. Besides now she can have all the wine she wants." Laxus rubbed his hand on my head, it was soothing. I know that it's his way of showing comfort.

"Yeah, knowing Cana she's probably with us helping in anyway she can while drinking." We both gave out a laugh. "I'm happy to have had a friend like her in my life. I'll always treasure those memories." A tear slip from my eye, as I smiled picturing Cana's laughing factual expression.

"Don't cry, I promise one day we'll all meet again." Laxus moved his hand, pulling me closer to him. We'd often sit like that when we would come here.

"Laxus, do you know how worried I was about you! You should answer your phone when I call you, that way I at least know your alive." I sighed. I'm glad I finally told him how I feel. "Wanna come to my place? I'll make you your favorite food." As soon as I mentioned that his eyes looked at me.

"Can I?" I hugged him, allowing him to feel the warmth of a friend that's he's been missing for so long.

"Idiot. Why would I ask you if you can't come? That's just a cruel thing to do to someone." I smiled. Laxus helped me off the ground, since my leg fell asleep. I couldn't stand without my leg hurting so Laxus took off his hood, placed it around me and then placed me on his back. He was giving me a piggy-back ride just like old times, excepted we would race Leo and Cana.

About half way to my house it began to pour. Laxus and I got soaked to the core when we arrived to my house. Rouge left the door unlocked, so we had no trouble getting in.

"Wow. Lucy, it's not good to have low security. I think I'll have to fix that." Laxus smirked as we walked inside, leaving a trail of water behind.

"Whatever you say Laxus." Was all I could managed to say before Rouge appeared in front of us.

"Looks like someone isn't so thrilled to see me." Laxus whispered to me. I giggled at his comment because I knew it was true. I wonder what Rouge must thinks of me Leaving all of the sudden and then showing up with a guy he's never seen before.

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