Chapter 5 : Strange Feelings For ? -_-

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I stood right next to Sting, Rogue was surprise to see me.

"What are you doing up Blondie? I thought you were sleeping." Sting asked me with a confused expression on his face. I quickly interrupted him.

"Rogue, shut up!" Sting and Rogue both looked at me strange at what I had said. I continued. "Fairy Tail....That guild really is something." I began to shed tears, but I kept talking.

"They showed me how much fun it is being in a guild. Even though now, they act as if I had disappeared. They'll accept you for who you are. Not caring about who you were or what you did in the past. They didn't even care that I came from a wealthy family, instead they took my side and fought along side me. I would love for you guys to both join the guild." I said the last part with a smile.

Rogue was pretty shocked at what I said, but soon responded.

"If you say they won't care about our past, as long as we are willing to change our future then sure. Sting." Rogue looked at Sting and continued. "If I join Fairy Tail with you, then promise me you will change."

Sting looked at Rogue with a concerned but, yet pleased expression. "Sure. Hey, meet at that place tomorrow. Then we can go to the guide and tell them that we are going to leave. For good."

I smiled at both of them. "Don't worry, I'll talk to my master tomorrow and put in a good word in for both of you guys." They seemed to be please with what I said.

Sting looked at me. "Thanks Blondie." He whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but blush.

"Hey, I want to just apologize. For barging in on you guys, like that." I'm glad I finally told them.

"It's okay Blondie, you don't have to apologize." After Sting told me this I said, good night to the both of them and headed towards my room. A couple minutes after I could hear Sting walking behind me.

"Hey Blondie. Uh...How much did you hear?" I could see Sting was curious to see if I knew his real motive for why he came. Looking at him, I began to speak.

"I heard most of it. I know why you really came here." I said to him as my gaze was on the floor, not wanting to face his eyes.

"Blondie, let me explain-" I cut sting off .

"Sting. I don't care what the real reason was why you came of course I was a bit sad at first, but I was happy to know that you didn't want to carry it out til the end." I paused before continuing. "So I don't care anymore! All I know is that I l-l-like you, for not wanting to hurt me."

I almost told Sting that I like him.

Snap out of your feelings for him. A voice inside yelled at me.

Sting's POV

I just heard Blondie say she likes me. She looks really cute. I still can't help but feel like I betrayed her, but yet she doesn't care.

Even if I do have feelings for Blondie. I don't feel like I deserve someone like her.

"I'm sorry for having to lie to you. But I still feel like a traitor. And yet you choose to forgive me, why?" Once I finished talking I saw Blondie come towards me. Only to find her hugging me tightly.

I couldn't help but become a bit flustered, but I looked the other way so she couldn't see. I didn't want to give her the wrong impression, after all were just friends. Right?

Lucy's POV

I walked over towards Sting who I thought needed a hug after seeing him so down. I caught him by surprise, just as I thought.

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