Four's a crowd

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"Argh. What's happening? I wonder if we'll get back. Yes, one day. Argh. I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow," groaned The Doctor's Ganger while mine was stumbling like someone was continuously punching her in the stomach.

"The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations. Hold on," The Doctor ordered.

In a voice that wasn't his, The Doctor's Ganger said, "Would you like a jelly baby?" But for some reason, I didn't feel the need to question it. "Why? Why? Why?"

"Why what?" The Doctor demanded.

"Hello. I'm the Doctor. No, let it go, we've moved on!"

"Hold on, hold on, you can stabilise." The Doctor grabbed his Ganger by the shoulders.

"I've reversed the jelly baby of the neutron flow. Would you like a... Doctor, Doctor, I'm, I'm the. I can't."

"No, listen, hold on. Hold on."

Then, my Ganger stepped in. She stepped in front of him, and grabbed his shoulders.

"Shh! Calm down!" She said gently, flickering back to human form, on the same schedule as he did. Was that what we looked like around each other? Really? My eyes were an unnatural soft that I didn't know that I had in me, and he was completely intrigued in them, his whole body going still like she'd paralyzed him. I folded my arms.

"No! ARGH!" He screamed.

"Shut up!" She hissed, pushing him up to standing straighter. "You're The DOCTOR."

At her demanding tone, that was actually much more intimidating hearing it from the outside, he straightened up like he was a soldier, and she stepped away.

The other Gangers pounded relentlessly on the door, but then went quiet.

"I think I liked it best when they were being noisy," Buzzer said.

"Mmm hmm. Doctor, we need you. Get over here," Amy ordered.

"Hello," The Doctor's Ganger said.


"Cybermats," The Doctor said.

"Do we have time for this?" His Ganger questioned.

"We make time, that's what Ruby does."

"Mm, she can do anything, though."

"Hush. I'd like more proof that you're me. Cybermats."

"Created by the Cybermen. They kill by feeding off brainwaves."

"Are you sure there aren't any weapons to can get to, like big guns with bits on?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, big guns would be good right now," Buzzer chuckled. I glared at him

"Why would we have guns? We're a factory. We mine," Jimmy said.

"Acid," Amy realized.

The door began to dissolve, and the Gangers recommenced all their annoying battering.

"Rory and Amy, they may not trust both of us," The Doctor said.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" His Ganger asked.


"I'm glad we're on the same-"

"Wavelength. You see, great minds."

"Exactly. So, what's the plan?"

"Save them all, humans and Gangers."

"Tall order. Sounds wonderful."

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