Months Has Gone By: Part One

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Author's Note

(Background Music 'Locked Out Of Heaven' ✘ Bruno Mars')

So okay. I'm just going to skip in time to 4 months later and fill you in on everything and everybody. Okay let me just say this... Everybody been acting up. An as for Marie... She gone. She left 5 months ago. Oh and for Jasmine... She left too like 6 months ago. She left when Yn was 3 months pregnant.

Okay So first I want to talk about Dre and Michelle. This nigga blinded by LOVE & AFFECTION seriously. I can't believe he thinking about proposing to her. This bitch crazy her got damn self. Let's not forget she was trying to kill him and Marie. She don't believe that he be cheating either because he knows what he has at home and blah blah blah. Whatever we all heard it before. Dre signed his rights over to Kyrie to be in the Drug Business all because he's ''Settling down''. I say he's full of bullshit if you ask me.

Now Rico and Yn are still together. They already moved to Hawaii and everything. Yn is 9 months already and is ready to pop any second now. Do Rico be cheating? Maybe. I don't know. I stop fucking with him after I found out that Yn was his babymomma. I'm not ready to be a mother to anybody's baby. Da fuck I look like?... Oh let me get back on track. He's out the Drug business. But don't get me wrong they're still looking for him.

Kyrie? that nigga still doing him. Going out, getting drunk, and fucking bitches. I think he got HIV now. He supposed to be going to the clinic today I think. Nah scratch that I "Hope". I can't wait until he find the one. I know he still be thinking about Yn but that's not the only girl on his mind. He actually got a thing for Diamond she just don't know yet. He been feeling some type of way bout her since he first seen her. I guess you can say ''Love at first sight''. But as the Kingpin he is, he can have any girl he feel like it. Right?

Diamond? Oh Okay she's a rapper. she got signed by Tyga. So she's on tour. Don't get me wrong she got a crush on a little somebody in the music industry... She still be kicking it with Yn when she get a chance to.

Who am I missing?

Yn And John (her dad) made up. He finally understood how important this was to her and the baby. All those harsh words he said did hurt but out of all that she notice that it was to keep her safe.

Oh Tyra and Mickey. Okay I'm going yo do Tyra first. She still a hoe. An Yes she still working at Dollhouse. She's in love with Kyrie and she's planning on getting him to come back to the place that all started it. "Dollhouse". The place that started everything.

Mickey. Oh she stop tricking. She still work for Dre well Kyrie. But he be giving her the cold shoulder. So she got something for that ass of his.



"Come on baby are we're going to be late." Rico yelled. Okay today is the day that Rico finally get to meet all of my family. We're going to a family reunion. Oh the best part about it is that Marie and Diamond are going!. Yay. I missed them soo much.

"Are you ready?" I asked him as I walked down the steps. "Nah I just love calling yo name for 10 minutes" he said sarcastically.


We got there late but people was still coming. So it was Okay. Rico helped me out the car. I hope my sisters get the chance to come. I introduce everybody to Rico. He and my dad was actually getting alone.

So I walked to the kitchen and made me a plate. I nearly cried when Diamond and Marie walked through the door. We they seen me, they ran and gave me a hug.

"I've missed y'all so much" I said after I let them go, "We missed you too" they said in unison, "Oh before I forget I brought somebody with me" Diamond said as she went outside to go get her 'special friend', "I'll like you to meet my 'Special friend' Kendrick" I nearly fainted when Kendrick Lamar walked in the building, "Kendrick these are my sisters Marie and Yn" Diamond said as she pointed to us.


So as you know I got my crush to cone to my first family reunion with me. When I introduce him to Marie and Yn, Yn almost jumped on him. Rico walked in the living room with our dad and he gave me and Marie a hug and he dapped Kendrick.

I was a little bit to happy because everybody was getting along. Yn was geeking because Kendrick was rubbing her belly and talking pictures with her. She told me when she was younger she said her and Kendrick Lamar was going to married and have a baby girl name Carmella Ramirez Lamar.  Cute huh? I thought it was so that's why I brought him here so we can tell him.

"Kendrick, Yn has a crush on you" I yelled being all loud so they can hear me, "Oh you do huh?" he asked her as she smiled, "I did" she giggle, "Quit lying you know deep down you still want to have a baby by him and name it 'Carmella Ramirez Lamar' and be Mrs. Lamar one day" Marie said and everybody started laughing.

"Carmella Ramirez?" Yn nod.

"I like that"

"It's funny cause she pregnant now" momma just had to ruin the moment.


So we were at this family reunion and I ran into our cousin, Melody. She's like a baby in the bunch. Her and Yn graduated like a month ago.

"Hey Melody"

"Oh my gosh. Marie is that you?"

"Oh course it's me silly"

Me, Yn, and Melody were like bestfriends but her mom got a job promotion and they had to move to Paris. That was over 5 years ago.

We sat in the house and talked for hours. I told her that my mom and dad had another daughter on us. But she got kidnapped when she was a baby.

"Wow that's crazy. So that's her downstairs with Kendrick Lamar?" she asked referring to Diamond, "Yeah that's our sister" I smiled knowing that I have another sister, "So I found out that Yn is pregnant with that sexy dude Rico" we laughed, "Yeah that's him" she smiled.


I finally thought it was time to leave. I didn't want to leave my sisters and Melody. I gave her my number and left. See you later you guys. Back to New Orleans I go.


I didn't want to make this chapter extra long. So you got two parts of this chapter. So don't forget to....






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