Chapter 2: In Which The Story Really Begins.

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In Which The Story Really Begins.

Miranda looked over at her sleeping mother. It had been nearly 4 months now that they had received news of her father's death, and it had been hard on the two of them. Now her mother hardly slept, and Miranda's illness had gotten worse. She was lucky to just be home instead of the hospital right now.

Lynn stirred in her sleep, and Miranda left the room.

She went to her room to try and rest a little, and her gaze rested on the Bible by her nightstand. How long had it been since she had last picked it up? She did not know. She walked over and picked up the Bible. Turning the pages, her eyes fell upon the words;

And we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

"Yeah right," she said bitterly, putting the Bible back where she found it. If all things worked together for good, why was her father dead? Why was her mother having to work so much? Why was her heart never right? The bitter questions consumed her, and she cried. She cried as one that has no hope, one that almost wishes for life to end.

She started when she heard the phone ring, not wanting it to wake up her mother, she ran to get it.


"Hello. Is this Miranda Kellen?"

"Yes it is."

"Hello Miranda, this is Pastor Richard."

Miranda was not certain how she was supposed to reply.

"Hello, sir."

"Miranda, I understand that your father past away a few months ago."

"Yes, sir."

"Is there anything I can do to help, anything at all."

Miranda did not answer. Yes they needed help, but not the kind of help he could offer. They needed money to pay the bills. They needed a roof that would not leak. They needed her father. Almost angrily, Miranda replied;

"There is nothing that you can help with."

"Oh," came a disappointed voice, "I see."

"No, I don't think you do see," Miranda said angrily. She was about to hang up the phone when she heard.

"Well, if there is anything you do need, be sure and call me." Then the line went dead.

Miranda put the phone back in the receiver.

"There is nothing you can do to help." Tears welled up in her eyes. "Nothing."

Two hours later, Lynn woke up. She looked up at the clock. Another hour till she needed to get to work. Sighing with relief, she stretched her arms and legs and got up off the couch.

Looking around, she saw Miranda making her a cup of coffee in the kitchen. She smiled at her daughter as she walked into the kitchen, and began to make herself some dinner. For just a second though, she looked at the poor state her daughter was in. She was once so full of life and hope, with thick, lustrous hair, and a smile that was so contagious that it made everyone else smile. Now, she was so pale and thin, and never gave her real smile anymore. Her eyes didn't sparkle, and she seemed so quiet.

"Here is your coffee mom," Miranda said trying to sound cheerful.

Lynn took the coffee, and kissed her daughter on the cheek.

"Call me at work if you need me."

"I will mom."

Lynn left the house, and got into her car. A sudden smile lit her face. She would find a way to cheer up her daughter, and she knew just how.

As soon as her mother left, Miranda went to bed. It was getting late, and she hadn't been sleeping well. Almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep. She woke up what seemed only a few moments later, feeling very cold, and wet for some reason.

"The roof must be leaking again." She thought, but when she opened her eyes, she bolted straight up. She was sitting on snow! In a wood?!

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