Chapter 7: A Prince And A Warrior.

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A Prince And A Warrior.

Miranda looked over the ruins of the place she once called home. How much time had gone by for it to have become this?

"Too much time," she said aloud.

Miranda noticed as she walked around the ruins that there were signs of an attack. Small boulders that weren't from the castle stood around, as if catapults had launched them. Vines crawled up the walls, indicating that it was more than a hundred years; perhaps a few hundred after the attack. But who had attacked? And where were the Narnians now? Question after question piled up in her mind.

"Okay," she said to herself," the first thing to do would to be to get a weapon of some sort."

But before she could do anything else, she noticed a carving in the stone wall. A carving of her sword! Memories filling her, she walked to the wall, and stroked her hand on the sword that she had held for so many battles.

But wait a second! As Miranda brushed her hand on the wall, she could hear a small echo from the other side. Putting her ear to the wall, she knocked with her knuckles, and the echo came back louder. Miranda scanned the wall, and noticed that it wasn't a wall. It was more like a protruding door. Excited now, she went over to the side of the door, and pushed with all her might. Slowly at first, then steadily, the door opened, revealing a small room.

Miranda gasped. A statue made of marble stone looked back at her, and Miranda recognized the 29 year old version of herself, tall and strong. Right in front of the statue was a wooden trunk. Curious, Miranda opened the trunk, and found things that took her back in time. She pulled out her old bow and quiver of arrows, surprised that they should still be usable. Under that was her belt that held her knife and sword. The knife was still there, but the sheath for her sword was empty.

"Not for long," she thought.

Underneath the belt were clothes that she was more used to.

"Finally, I can get out of these stupid skirts."

Finding a secluded area, she put on a dark blue shirt underneath a black leather jerkin, and dark brown pants and black boots. Putting her old clothes back on made her feel like the warrior she was. As she put her clothes on, she noticed that her skin had grown darker, and her muscles stronger.

Putting her weapons on, and pulling her hair back from her face, she began walking towards the place where the Stone Table was with a determined expression on her face. It was high time that she got her sword.


Cornelius watched the Lady Prunaprismia carefully. Her belly was big and round from the baby she carried, and he noticed that she looked more alert than usual. It would happen soon, and he needed to be prepared for it.


Miranda walked on and on. Nothing looked familiar. And now she was getting worried. Never had she been lost in Narnia, but now, she didn't know where she was.

"Aslan," she whispered, "I know that you see me. I understand that you know how desperate I am. Please show me the way. Help me out of this puzzle of confusion, and lead me down the narrow road."

As soon as she whispered those words, a peace came upon her, and she turned to the left. She walked for some time before coming into a clearing. It was very small clearing, about half of a mile long. Trees surrounded the clearing in a small circle, and straight in front of her was a huge mound of earth.

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