liттlе ше

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He slowly cycle the bike while grinning happily as he feel the warm when she hug his waist and lean her head at his back. She, too, close her eyes and smile unknowingly. Suddenly, the bicycle was stop. She stood up from the back seat in surprise.

"We already arrive ?" She ask with disappointment when they are actually in front of his house. She's pouting while reaching for her bag. But then he smile naughtily before he park her bike and grab the bag from her hand.

"Oppa, why --"

"Come in" He leave the door open while she still blankly standing at the door.

"Pardon my intrusion" She walk in slowly.

"Yah, what with the formality ?" He smile again. "I live alone you know"

"That's it. The fact that you're living alone is unacceptable for me"

"Why do you think that I can't live alone ?" He pretend to be piss of her but then he smile sweetly. "I'll get you some juice"

"I would love that, thank you !" She look around the house and move toward a table when she see something curious. "Why would the never-open box is here ?"

"Ah, that" He walk toward her with the juice. "I'm digging into it yesterday resulting me being late this morning" He sit on the chair and drink his juice.

She then join him too. "What are you digging for ?"

He smile again. "Some memories"


He remember it perfectly. The day when the neighbor's daughter that is 3 years younger than him, the best childhood friend of all he has, had to move away due to her dad work. He's sulking but she comfort him by promise that she'll call him everyday and write to him every week like they've always do. He accept it but still, he's crying badly when the car of her family leave the neighborhood. And who knows that would the last time he shed his tears.

They did calls and change letters for almost 3 years but it's suddenly stop and when silent. That's all because of his dad death and the new marriage of his mom. He can't get all his sense together as it's only happen in a year. The rebel that he can only did was getting out of the house when he's a 15 years old teenager.

He tried to live a better life but he then didn't seem to be fine when he found out that she's there, enrolling in the same school as him.


"Then, we couldn't even talk to each other like how we use to be" He sip his juice slowly. "I never know that it'll be so hard for me"

"This picture .." She show him the one that she took from the box.

"Yeah, the one that we took on the day you move away"

"It's also when we promise to marry each other" She smile while looking at it. She touch his dad face on the picture. "Do your mom still keep in touch with you, oppa ?"

"Yeah, she still giving expenses and all but I'll never use it. I keep it safe in the bank"

"Then how would you pay the rent and everything ?"

"I'm working. At Suk Jin hyung and Jae Suk hyung restaurant" He get up to move toward the sink but then he look back at her. "Would you like to come to my workplace ?"


I'm sorry for not updating >< Today i will finish the story ♥ thanks for reading ♥

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