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"Oppa !"

She wave at him from afar before she hug him happily. She doesn't realize that her action are gathering people attention from the area.

"Yah Ji Hyo ah" Jong Kook knock her back slowly. "People are watching"

She look around and startle alone. He smile at her cute face before she suddenly searching for something in her bag.

"Tada !" She show her graduation certificate. "Student Song Ji Hyo has officially graduate from high school !"

"Yay, finally !" He high-five her happily and interlock his finger with hers. "Now let's go, everyone is waiting"

"Ah, I feel so embarrasses. Do we really need to celebrate this ?" They keep talking and walking while their hand is still clamping. "Why don't we wait for Kwang Soo too next year ?"

"Next year we will do it again for him. Now it's your time okay"

She nod slowly. "Aren't we going to ride the bike ?" She look at the bicycle next to him.

"No, let's walk for a while" He smile widely.

"Okay" She nod again before they enter the flowery road. "Wah, it's beautiful !" She feel fascinating. "The flowers are already blossom" She keep on smiling but she feel that something is off.

"Oppa, what's wrong ?" She look on his face. "You're not like yourself, being silent all of sudden"

She stop so as he. She pull his face to face her and she stare into his eyes. "Why do you want to walk ? Do you need more time to be with me ?"

They stare for a while and she could see his nervous eyes. It make him couldn't hold it any longer.

"Yeah, that's it !" He give up. "I need time to propose you"

"Prop--propose ?!" Now, she's the one that startle the most.

He suddenly kneeling and show her the ring. "W-will you marry me, Song Ji Hyo-sshi ?"

The two of them become quite. One is still in daze and the other one is waiting for the answer.

"Yah, say something" Jong Kook can't look at her. His head is all down. "Don't make me feel embarrasses, you know I've been prepare for this moment s-since three years ago"

Ji Hyo is still mute. "Yah, why you still silence ?" He hold his head up.

She startle again. "Why are you angry ? You're proposing so nicely"

Feeling lost, he get up and kiss her suddenly. Does she need to keep being startle ?

"Now will you marry me, Song Ji Hyo-sshi ?"

She nod happily. And he smile in relieve.


"Congratulation !" Their voice are all in one.

"Congratulation for graduating Ji Hyo ah !" Jae Suk wish her again.

"It's nothing to be celebrate" She cover her face from embarrassment.

"No, congratulation for you upcoming marriage too !" Suk Jin suddenly shout out.

"How did you know ?"

Gary point to the spoiler guy. "Kwang Soo saw you guys at the park earlier"

"So he tell you guys ?" Everyone nod in harmonized. "Yah Lee Kwang Soo !" Jong Kook can't reach him as he's hiding behind Jae Suk.

Jong Kook release a deep sigh. "How I avoid this crisis"

"Why are avoiding ?" Ji Hyo ask him secretly.

"Ohoho someone is so happy now" Kwang Soo start to warm up.

"He will has wife soon enough" Haha also join in. "And then a baby"

Jae Suk shake his head quickly. "No, no. It should be babies"

"Wah, Jong Kook hyung hit a jackpot !"

"Yah !" Jong Kook caught Haha and Kwang Soo before giving them headlock. They try to release themselves but they're not strong enough. The others trying to help them too while Ji Hyo and Byul laugh to these boys playfulness.

The restaurant fill with the voice of these noisy people and these people are what that make Ji Hyo and Jong Kook together until now. All their little action and their little words make them stronger and happier forever.

With all those little thing, they will be happily ever after ≧ω≦

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