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"Oppa, anything is fine" she talk aloud from the dinner table while he busy doing some searching for her.

"No, I must get you something nice" he reply while still digging his closet. "I found it !"

She run to his room before focusing at his hand. "Your P.E uniform"

"Yeah, it maybe old but still it's clean and comfortable" He hand it over.

"This will do" She smile as the gesture of thankful.

"No, it's going to be longer than your arm and leg" He tease her before she pull his hair again. "Ouch ! Yah .." He stop as he suddenly remember something. "Ah, how about your--"

"Oppa, stop !" She put her hand in the air. "Hold it right there" She point her finger to him. "Don't say any word anymore. I can handle that by myself"

He nod and grin so she go to the bathroom. But then her head come out of the door.


"What is it ? You need a new one ? Should we go to the store ?"

"Yah Kim Jong Kook ! Forget about that ! Just give me a towel" Her face is all red right now.

"Ahh, towel" He act dumb. "Here"

She bite her lip and close the bathroom's door. He then laugh slowly as he feel happy to tease her.



"Why ?"

"Oppa ~"

"Yah, what is it ?" He put his pen down and stare at her.

"Why are you studying after come back from work ? Aren't you tired ?" She roll his pen with her finger.

"This is my way of rest"


"Yah, don't say that like you don't know me" He snatch his pen back.

"Of course, the god of study" He pinch her left cheek tightly. "Ouch !" She's frowning.

"But why are suddenly don't want to go home ?" He then touch her cheek slowly, some kind of brushing away the pain.

"Why ? Can't I sleep here ?"

"But you said that after receiving a message" He remember that moment when she suddenly ask him to stop the bike. "Perhaps -" He look at her. "Is it auntie ?"

She low her head. "Yah, Song Ji Hyo. You said you've already told your mom about coming with me"

"I-I .."

"This won't do. Let me notice them" He get up from his seat.

"Oppa, wait !" She grab his hand before hugging his back. "Oppa, you know what am I afraid of, right ?"

He's sighing. Well, her mom does be a scary person when she's angry.

He turn around and hold her shoulders. "Just go to sleep, okay ?" But she show her worry face. Maybe she think that he's actually angry with her.

So he smile sweetly and push her to his room. "Good night" He say that while waving to her. She smile too before she close the door.

He's sighing again. Then he take his phone to call for someone important.

"Hello, uncle"

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