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•One• Haru's POV •

Why do I miss him so much?

I miss that smile, the one which always made me happy even though I didn't show it. I miss that voice, the one which always calmed me down, like the water. I miss that guy, the one which I love.

I miss Rin.


"We're so late!" panicked my friend Makoto, watching me cook food. He ran his hand through his olive brown hair and bit his lip. "When's your mackerel going to be ready?"

"In a minute." I replied, staring straight at the pan the fish was cooking in. "It has to be nice."

"I don't see the point in doing this. Gou said she was going to bring us food for today, so we don't need to bother." Makoto was staring at a clock.

"You seriously want to eat things she has made? Haven't you seen the amount of protein powder she puts on it!" I asked, placing my tasty mackerel in a bag. After that Makoto picked it up and we left my home. Yes, I live alone.

"I have, but we can't be rude."

"I can."

As we walked... well, speed-walked, we talked about random things. Then my friend bought him up.

"Haru, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you think Rin will ever come back?"

I paused for a moment. Years ago, when we were kids, we had a friend called Rin. His hair was a kind of maroon colour, and he had red eyes. He was a great friend... but moved away. We haven't seen him since.

"Haru?" Makoto raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure." I answered, looking down to the floor.

"Do you want him to?"

"Of course."

"Same." We entered Iwatobi high school and rushed to class. Luckily, we were in the same one with Miho Amakata, the classic literature teacher.

"Where have you been?" she asked as we entered the room. Everyone stared at us.

"Well, um..." Makoto rubbed the back of his neck.

"Haruka?" She turned to me.

"We were walking slowly."

"Hmm okay. Take your seats." We sat down and she carried on with our lesson.

Finally, we reached break. As we left the classroom and began to walk down some stairs, our two friends and final members of the swim team caught up with us. A short, blonde haired boy with red eyes stood at the bottom of the steps with a taller boy with dark blue hair and purple eyes. He had red glasses.

"Nagisa! Rei!" smiled Makoto.

"Hi." replied Nagisa.

"Hello." Rei added. We all began to walk.

"Gou told us to meet her on the roof," Nagisa said, leading the way. "I'm really looking forward to the surprise she has for us."

"It's only some food." I shrugged.

"Not only food. Food, with protein powder!"

"Oh no... she hasn't poisoned it again with that again?" Rei shivered.

"Of course she has." I blinked.

"We have to be nice. She's gone through all the trouble for us." Makoto calmly said.

"We will."

Soon enough we arrived at the roof. Gou was there with some bags. "Guys!" she yelled, waving her hand in the air.

"Hi Gou!" Nagisa shouted back.

"I have got you a bag each," she explained when we got over to her. "Each of them have the correct amount of energy and all of that stuff for you."

"Oh right." I took a bag and looked inside. "What's all this pink stuff?"

"That's um... just some seasoning I found online." Gou bit her lip.

"Okay." Rei tasted a piece of sushi which was in his bag.

"How does it taste?" Gou asked, her red eyes squinted.

"Well, um..."

"It's very nice. Thankyou." Makoto jumped in.


I sighed and placed my food away into my bag.


The rest of the day was the same. After school we practised swimming, and Rei got a new personal best. Makoto had just finished his turn in the pool. "Makoto you need to try a bit harder." Said Gou, showing him her stopwatch.

"Okay, thanks." He replied, placing down his goggles and hat. "Haru it's your turn."

"Is it?" I asked.

"Yes." Nagisa smiled. I nodded and pulled my swimcap on and put on my goggles, ready on my little podium we dive off.

"Are you ready?" yelled Gou.


"Go!" She shouted. I leaped off the board and began to swim. The cooling, beautiful water gently touched my skin and helped me swim faster. It opened up like doors, letting me move forwards and advance further in what I was doing.

"Yessss!" cheered Nagisa in the background. I turned, and headed back.

"He is so fast..." Rei blinked, rubbing his left shoulder.


I focused back onto swimming, and found myself gliding quickly through the water with hardly any effort at all. It was my friend.

"Wow, Haru!" Makoto laughed as I touched the pool's wall. "You've did it."

"Did what?" I asked, pushing my goggles off my eyes and taking off my hat.

"You beat your high score!" Gou giggled.

"That's good." Rei helped me get out the pool. "But I don't care about the timing."

"You should," It was an unfamiliar voice. "They do say timing is everything... in some cases."

We all turned around and saw a guy, with maroon hair and red eyes.

"Big brother!" squealed Gou.

"Rin?" I whispered.

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