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•Three• Haru's POV •

Shining stars began to appear above us, lightening up the dull dark blue sky. Every time we passed a lampost, I felt worried someone was there. But, there never was.

"We're here." Makoto smiled. He knocked three times on Nagisa's frontdoor and waited paitently for him to turn up.

The door slowly opened and someone jumped out. "Haru! Makoto!" he shouted.

"Sorry we're late, Nagisa." Makoto apologised.

"It's fine. Come on in," our small friend let us in his house and showed us to his lounge, even though we already knew where it was. "I got a bit excited and ate some of the pizza..."

"More like impatient!" Rei snapped. "He ate all of it and I only went to the restroom while he did so!"

"I said I was sorry." Nagisa rubbed the back of his neck and smiled.

While they argued about the pizza, and Makoto trying to stop them, I looked at the pizza box. It was white and had a pepperoni pizza slice on the front of it.

"This pizza box looks familiar." I blinked, causing everyone to stop talking.

"Does it?" asked Rei, inspecting it himself.

"It looks like an ordinary box to me." Nagisa shrugged. "And it tasted nice."

"Nagisa you didn't eat the box." Makoto laughed.

"I tried the corner of it." he pointed to one of the corners of the box, which had a chunk off it.
"How did you-" Rei began.

"I just did." Nagisa chirped.

"Um..." Makoto paused.

"It was just tasty okay." Nagisa broke the awkward silence.

"So what do we do now?" Rei questioned.

"No idea." Makoto replied.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I suggested as I was closest to the door.

"Thanks." Nagisa giggled.

I walked out of the room and answered the door. "Hi." It was Gou.

And Rin.

"Come in..." I moved aside and Gou rushed past.

"I never knew you were good with advice." smirked Rin as he walked past.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow and closed the door.

"I brought Rin with me. I hope you don't mind." I heard Gou say.

"Not at all. The more people the better!" exclaimed Nagisa. He loved company. I went back into the lounge and sat by Makoto.

"Makoto..." I whispered. "I need to tell you something."

"What?" Makoto looked at me.

"Will you come outside?"

"Sure." We both stood up and silently wandered outside.

"What's happened?" asked Makoto worriedly.

"I think... I think Rin has been spying on us." I sighed.

"What?" Makoto gasped. "That's terrible. How do you know?"

"Well I'm not sure but I have this feeling. He has been following us." I explained.

"Oh." Makoto blinked.

"I don't know what to do." I shrugged. "Confront him or leave it."

"If you have the right amount of evidence, then go ahead and confront him. If not, try and get more." Makoto advised me. He was always helpful with this sort of stuff.

"Okay. I will." I replied.

"Makoto! We need your help!" Nagisa shouted.

"I'd best go see what he wants. I'll be back in a minute." Makoto went back inside and I waited for him, staring out into the distance.

"It's a nice view isn't it?"

I gasped. "Rin-"

"You really think I was following you?" he laughed, a menacing glint in his eye. I shook my head.

"No... who told you that."

"Don't lie. I heard you myself. Why would you think that?" Now he was coming towards me.

"Um... this guy just looked like you. And acted like you." I explained, watching him lean against a lampost. "He acted like that."

"Huh?" Quickly he got out of his pose and stood up normally, one hand on his shoulder. He seemed nervous suddenly.

"What's happened to the confident Rin all of a sudden?" I squinted. The words accidently spilled out of my mouth. Of course it was him spying on us.

"Nothing." he whispered, brushing  a strand of maroon hair out of his eye.

"Well-" I began.

"Enough with the questions!" he snapped, grabbing onto my arm.

"Whoa!" I stumbled backwards as he shoved me.

"What's going on!" yelled a voice from Nagisa's front door.

"Oh yeah, now he turns up." Rin said irritatedly.

"Shush." Makoto sighed. He turned to me. "Haru are you alright?"

"What has it got to do with you? This is between us."

"Now it's to do with me. I watched you almost hurt him." Makoto frowned.


"Haru?" Makoto rushed over to me. I was stood staring at Rin. Not moving. Not talking. Just glaring. Makoto poked my arm.

"What." I whispered.

"Do you want to stay at my house tonight?" Makoto asked sympathetically.

"Thanks but, I'll be fine home alone."

"Are you sure?" Makoto checked. "It looked pretty rough to me."

"Don't worry so much," I said, trying and successfully not showing my anger, sadness and something else. "It didn't hurt." Everyone was stood watching us outside, speechless.

"Rin?" Gou ran up to him. "What happened are you okay?"

"I'm great." he looked at her. "I'll see you tomorrow. And you Haru."

"Just get out of here." Rei shouted from the doorway.

"Yeah boo!" added Nagisa.

"Nagisa." Rei glared at him.


After all that I went home and decided to go straight to bed. For some reason, I didn't feel that we were not friends anymore. I felt the same. But the weird feeling was stronger. Makoto had texted me every five minutes checking if I was okay and if he needed to bring me anything, even though it was late at night. I had a few from Rei and Nagisa.

I had one from an unknown number.

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