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•Six• Makoto's POV •

Everyone was at swim practise the next day. Haru, Nagisa, Rei, Rin, Gou and myself. I only knew about Rin and Haru, and they wanted to tell the others themselves. We were stood at one end of the pool, and I could see Haru was nervous. Quickly I stepped over to him.

"Are you alright?" I whispered.

Haru looked at me and bit his lip. "I don't know how they will react."

In his eyes I could see he was worrying. A lot. Whenever this happened I could always tell. He always bit his lip and didn't make much eye contact with anybody. I've always told myself it's a signal to help my friend and make things better. Most of the time it works. This time, I was doubting I could help.

"I'm sure everyone will be fine with this. After all, they are our friends. Friends should be happy for each other and respect each other, right?" I smiled.

"I guess so." Haru replied.

"Good. Now the sooner you tell them, the better it will be." I told him. My anxious friend breathed out and nodded.

"Right. Thanks Makoto." He spoke. Then he walked over to Rin and started saying stuff.

"What was all that about?" Gou asked me suspiciously.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Hmmm." She squinted her red eyes at me.

"What?" I laughed awkwardly.

"Nothing, nothing." She turned the other way.

Then, Rin started to speak. "You might be wondering why I'm here today and not at my own swim practice."

"Not really." Nagisa answered.

"It wasn't a question." Rei rolled his eyes at him.

"Sorry carry on." Nagisa blinked.

"Alright then," Rin carried on. "Haru and I have something to say."

I could see Haru look towards the floor. His eyes were still telling me something's wrong. "Haru?" Rin poked his arm.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Do you want to tell them?"

We all turned our gaze to Haru. Well mine was already on him but nevermind.

"Please tell us!" Gou urged.

"Alright alright." Haru whispered. He looked up at us at last. "Rin and I are now together."

"That's fabulous!" Gou exclaimed, hugging both Rin and Haru.

In the background Nagisa was cheering and Rei was congratulating them. I was just looking at Haru feeling worried about him. After all, he's one of my best friends. Of course I'm worried.

•Haru's POV •

Anxiety over!

I felt so relieved to have told everyone else about Rin and I. What was even better, everyone took it well.

After that, we all swam and practiced a lot. Makoto practiced his kick, Rei his arm strength and Nagisa's speed. I guess Gou's new coaching program was working for some of us. She yelled at us until we were swimming right. Rin helped me a few times too.

"Will your coach mind about missing practise?" Gou asked her brother as we took a break.

"No I don't think he will. I mean I'm one of the best swimmers there, I don't really think I need everyday to train." Rin replied.

"Hmm it's still nice to swim." Gou said.

•Makoto's POV •

As they all had a conversation, I started to dry my olive brown hair with a towel. Rin came to talk to me.

"Hey." He smiled, sitting next to me.

"Hi." I replied.

"You've swam really well today. I'm getting worried you guys will beat us at prefecturals!" Rin laughed.

I laughed back and saw the sky was slowly turning orange. It was always beautiful. "Well it's getting later now. I'd best head home after I change. See you soon." I said.

"Ciao." Replied Rin. We both stood and walked to where we wanted to go.

As soon as I was in the changing room I got changed back into my school uniform. Hm. I would have had a shower there but decided to have one when I got home. Some would say I was wasting time but I thought I was saving it... I don't know where I'm going with this.

Anyway, I was ready by the time everyone else came in the changing room. Except Gou of course.

"Will you be coming here tomorrow?" Nagisa asked Rin.

"Unfortunately not." He sighed.

"Why?" Haru questioned him.

"My coach will be mad at me if I keep missing practise. But I will still get to see you don't worry." Rin smiled.

Casually I made my way towards the exit. "I'll see you tomorrow!" I announced.

"Bye." Everyone replied happily.

Gou was sitting outside alone, scrolling through her phone. "Are you alright?" I asked her with a friendly smile.

"Yeah. Are you?" She replied. I watched her lock her phone and place it on the bench she was perched on.

"I guess so." I answered.

"What's wrong?" Gou narrowed her maroon eyebrows.

"I'm worried about Haru-" I was cut off by Rei and Nagisa leaving.

"Bye!" Nagisa cheered.

"Bye... Gou forget I said anything." I quickly added.

"What?" She squeaked as I started to rush away.

Lucky escapes are the best escapes.

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