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•Eighteen• Makoto's POV •

We had ten minutes left of our detention, which I was happy about. Nobody really talked much so it felt weird. I didn't know why.

I looked over to Haru and saw him staring out of the window. What was he thinking about? Swimming? Friends?

Soon I found myself deep in thought, and was snapped out of it by Miss Amakata.

"Are you alright, Makoto?" She asked, standing in front of my desk.

"Uh yeah..." I hesitantly said.

She narrowed her eyebrows at me. "Are you sure?"

I nodded slowly, quite creeped out at her asking me these questions. She was only being polite, of course.

"Good." With that she walked back to the front of the class and glanced at her watch.

"Eight minutes!" She spoke out to the class.

"Finally." A kid whispered. He was sat behind me.

Everything went silent again. That was until there was shouting from outside the classroom.

"You can't just come in here when you like!" Yelled a teacher. I reconigsed his voice, but didn't know his name. "Excuse me!"

We were all looking at the door. It was as if they were getting closer. Whoever it was, it was like they were coming.

"I told you what I'm doing!"

Suddenly, Haru lifted his head off his desk, his blue eyes wide.

"What..." He whispered.

"Excuse me!" The teacher was still yelling outside.

"I don't care!" There was another voice. Soon, I realised who it was.

"Haru." I said quietly, trying to get his attention.

"Shh," Snapped Miss Amakata. "I'll go see what all this fuss is about."

With that she left, giving us a few minutes to talk.

"Haru." I repeated myself.

"It's... Rin." He mumbled.

"I know." I sighed.

"Why is he here?"

I shrugged and waited to see if he came in the room or not. I guessed he was looking in all the classes or something.

"Do you think he's angry?" Haru asked me.

I shook my head. "He'd never be angry at you."

"But, he sounds pretty pissed."

"Then let's just leave now." I suggested, picking up my bag and standing up.

"Wouldn't that make him feel even worse?" I asked, standing up to.

We headed for the classroom door. "Hey!" Said a girl who was in the detention.

"What are you doing?" Asked the guy who was sat behind me.

"We have to go," I explained worriedly.

"That's not fair!" Argued the girl.

"We have no time for shit," Haru glared at her. "Let's go Makoto."

"Uh, yeah." I replied. We hurried out of the room and made our way down the hall.

• Haru's POV •

I can't believe I said that.


I sighed out and stopped suddenly in my tracks. Makoto got a few steps ahead. He turned around.

"Haru?" He asked.

"I hear him..." I looked emotionlessly at Makoto.

I thought about how much Rin cared. "Haru!" Rin came walking down the hall. I rushed over to him and hugged him.

Surprisedly, he hugged back.

"I was so worried." Rin spoke.

"I had Makoto," I replied. "Anyway, I would have been fine."

Rin pulled away from the hug and looked away from me.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry about this... it's probably really embarrassing." Rin went slightly red. It was hard to see, but I noticed it.

"You were being a good boyfriend..." I walked closer to him, and whispered in his ear, "I didn't say I didn't like it."

Rin smiled, and held my hand. In a matter of seconds we had caught up with Makoto.

"Let's get out of here." He suggested. We did so, and heard Miss Amakata return soon after when we were walking in another hall.

"Haru! Makoto!" She yelled in the background.

"Quickly lets get out of here!" Makoto suggested.

"Yes." I replied. We quickened our pace and we're free from school for the weekend.

"Finally," I unlocked my house door and let everyone in. "Are you hungry?"

"No," Makoto replied. "My dad told me to be back as soon as the detention was finished. I don't know why."

"Seriously? I'll see you tomorrow then." I sat down at the kitchen table.

"See you tomorrow." With that my friend left.

"You should rest now." Rin spoke.

I shrugged. "Why?" I said it, knowing the answer. All I wanted was for Rin to stay forever with me, but couldn't. For most of the day I knew he would have to go back to Samezuka whether I liked it or not.

That's life for you.

"Because of what the doctor said," He sat opposite me. "You do want to swim don't you?"

I nodded without hesitation. "Of course I do."

Suddenly, Rin's phone rang.

"Excuse me." He stepped outside the kitchen.

I could hear his conversation...

"Hello?" He said. "Oh Sousuke..."

There was a ten second pause. "I didn't forget."

Was it bad I could hear what he was saying? What was going on with Sousuke.

"Fine. I'm coming now. Like I said..." I heard him sigh. "See you in half an hour or so."

He ended the call, and entered the room again.

"What happened?" I asked, pretending I didn't know what he said.

"I have to get back to the academy." Rin explained.

I stood up, and lead him to the front door. Slowly I opened it, and move aside so he could get out.

"Shall I visit tomorrow?" He asked, his hands on my shoulders.

I nodded, "If you want to."

He leaned closer to me, and gently pecked my lips. "Goodbye, Haru."

I watched him walk away. The kiss made me miss him more.

All I wanted was Rin.

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