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•Twenty• Makoto's POV •

I had spent the weekend with Haru, but he didn't seem himself. No, he was even more quiet than usual and seemed like he was lost in his own thoughts.

Many times I tried to get whatever it was out of him, but it didn't work. Instead he told me he was great. I thought leaving it would be the best thing to do and see if he would bring it up sometime in the week.

He didn't.

Everyday after school we had been practicing swimming on our own races, and the relay. Gou was being very strict, and pushing us to do more.

None of us minded... well Nagisa complained a little, but then stopped after realising Gou wouldn't stop doing what she was doing.

And it seemed Haru wouldn't stop acting different either. What was wrong with him? What was he thinking? I've said it before, but as always I wanted to help.

Maybe he doesn't want that anymore?

I shrugged off that thought, and focused back on my swimming. Prefecturals started on Saturday, and it was the end of Thursday.

Rei was finishing off his time in the pool, so it was my chance to talk to Haru. He had decided to go straight into the changing rooms and get dressed, without listening to Gou's talk.

Quickly I followed him, but saw him stood at the door holding his phone to his ear. "Where are you? I miss you..." He then stopped talking and walked into the changing room.


I went in too, and saw him just normally putting on his school uniform. This was strange. "Hi Haru." I smiled, and decided to change too.

"Hello." He replied in his usual voice.

I buttoned up my shirt, and thought of something to talk about at the same time. This stuff is hard! Usually everything I say comes out normally and I don't really need to think about it. Why was this so different?

"You alright?" Haru spoke to me, probably getting impatient.

"Yes I'm fine. You?" I just went with the flow, I guess.


I was half dressed when Nagisa and Rei came in.

"Gou is mad at you both." Rei said.

"Yeah she's more pissed than..." Nagisa pauses.

"Than what?" I asked.

"I don't know. I didn't get that far." Nagisa laughed slightly.

"Putting that aside," Rei sighed. "She also told us she wants to talk to you."

"Seriously?" Muttered Haru. He started to leave the changing room.

"Wait!" I shouted. "Haru!"

"Fishboy won't listen," Nagisa shrugged. "He hasn't taken any notice of what I have said all day!"

"Fishboy?" Rei questioned.

"Oh." I said. Quickly I slipped on my shoes and dashed out of the room, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Haru!" I yelled. He had left without me!

"I see you!" A voice said loudly.

I turned around and saw Gou storming over to me. "It's hard not to." I mumbled, watching her.

"Wheres Haru gone?" She asked. I could tell she was mad. Madder than usual.

"He left."

"Left!" Gou gasped. "Ignoring my message!"

"Yeah." I answered, sitting on a bench.

"In that case, we can talk." Fire was in Gou's eyes. Was she trying to keep calm? It looked as if she was about to explode at any moment.

"Uh, are you okay?" I moved aside a bit.

"Y-yes." She snapped.

"You're clearly not." I rolled my eyes at her.

"It's only me who can be sassy! So don't play that game." She turned away.

"Sorry." I apologised.

"It's fine."

We sat in silence for a few seconds. "Hey," I spoke. "You can talk to me. After all, I am the Captain of the team."

Gou frowned. "Thanks Makoto."

I put my hand on her shoulder, "So is there anything bugging you?"

Suddenly, Nagisa ran out of the changing room. "Ooo!" He squealed. "Are you two hiding something?"

Quickly I moved my hand away and rubbed the back of my neck. "No," I smiled. "We were talking privately."

"Privately." Nagisa repeated, a smile creeping up onto his face.

"Nagisa," Gou glared at him. "If you want to live, please go home."

He backed away a few steps. "Hurry up Rei!"

"You're not going to argue back?" I asked confusedly.

"Hell no!" Nagisa exclaimed. "Girl's eyes looking like she's a demon, I'm not messing with that."

Rei came back. "Lets go!" He grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

"Hey!" We heard Rei in the distance.

"Just keep walking."

I laughed slightly, and looked back at Gou. "Take as long as you want."

She stood up and smiled. "It's nice of you to ask, but it really doesn't matter."

"Oh. I'll see you tomorrow then." She walked off.

Should I have just left it? No! What was I thinking. Of course I was going to ask... well that's what my parents had told me to do.

Anyway, I headed home too, wondering what Gou was going to say to Haru and I. She didn't exactly tell me. Oh well. Tomorrow she surely will, considering on Saturday we are at prefecturals.

Wow. Tomorrow is our final day of practicing. That's scary to think. It's gone so fast! Hopefully, we will win and advance to regionals. With all of our hard work, we could have a chance.

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