twenty two

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•Twenty Two• Haru's POV •

As soon as I got home, I decided to call Rin. For some reason, I hadn't seen him all week. No, he hadn't come to visit like he said he would.

He didn't even call or text, or answer me. I hoped he would talk to me today, at least. Surely, I would see him the next day because of prefecturals.

Anyway, I held my phone to my ear after dialling his number.


"Rin!" I exclaimed, thankful he answered. "I've missed you! Where have you been?"

"I've been busy, with stuff... but nevermind that. How's your practice been?" Rin replied.

It was quite weird, him dodging the question slightly, but it didn't matter. "It's been great. Gou's been quite strict, but I think it's helped us."

"Not that you needed that help." I could see Rin smirking.

"Hmm," I kind of smiled... for once. "Your practice?"

"It's been fun... I think I've been chosen for the relay... are you guys doing it too?" Rin asked.

"Yes." I muttered.

"Don't be like that."

"Like what?"

"The relay will be great, especially with your friends." Rin said.

I shrugged and sat down at my kitchen table. "Fine. For everyone I'll pretend I like it."

"Seriously? That's not like you."

"You remember the day you came back, don't you?" I questioned in reply.

"Of course. That day when we were talking by the pool... what about it?" Rin answered.

"You told me you'll change my mind about swimming not only being about friends and me... you still haven't." I explained with a small grin.

"Oh yeah. Give me some more time." Rin spoke.

"Alright then. Take as long as you like, it'll never happen."

I then heard Rin laugh. "You're saying this now, just you wait."

"I'm waiting." Suddenly, I laughed too.

"Holy crap!" Rin exclaimed. "I was here to hear that moment!"

"What moment?" I could feel myself starting to blush.

"Your laugh is so cute. You should do it more often."

"Really?" I pretended to be shocked.

"Of course!"

"Please." I rolled my eyes, and felt my cheeks turn even more red.

"Aw, is Haruka getting embarrassed?" Rin joked.

"Me?" I gasped. The way he said my name... I wished I could see him say it.

"Yes, you. You know, I can always tell when you're embarrassed. Even over call." Rin said.

"How?" I asked.

"It's quite easy to tell. Your voice changes."

I raised an eyebrow, "That's weird."

"Not to me." He paused. "Actually, it could just be your feelings for me."

"Feelings? Like... oh." I understood what he meant, and laughed slightly.

"There you go again! You must really like me, right Haruka?"

"I do really like you, Idiot." I spoke.

"Well thankyou!"

"Do you like me?" I asked.

"I'll have to think about that."

"Rinn!" I exclaimed.

Then I heard other people.

"Who are you talking to?" One of them said.


"Haru." Rin replied... he had no idea about what happened.

"Haru," Repeated Sousuke. "Well I'm going out for food today. Do you want to come?"

There was a pause. "Rin you can go if you want. I have things to do and we can talk later." I spoke.

"Alright. Bye Haru!" With that, he ended the call and I was all alone again.

I actually didn't have anything to do... for some reason, I felt reluctant to sit in bathtubs again. In case someone else turns up and causes trouble. Putting that thought aside, I decided to relax anyway.

• Rin's POV •

Soon I was ready to leave. "So where are we going?" I asked Sousuke as we left our room.

"I didn't really think about it... where do you want to go?" My friend replied.

"Hmm," I said. "I'm not really hungry, so anywhere is fine."

We left the building, and in the end decided to walk around Samezuka aimlessly. "What were you and Haru talking about?" Sousuke spoke.

That was a weird thing to ask. "Random stuff, really. Why?"

"Just wondering." We ended up sitting on a bench near the entrance of the school. It was a quiet place, where hardly any people went.

"Hey," I said. "You haven't been yourself recently. What's up?"

I saw Sousuke shuffle in his spot. "Nothing."

"There's clearly something." I answered.

"I can't lie to you, can I?" There was a pause.

"Go on." I sighed.

"It's me."

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