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•Four• Rin's POV •

What was I thinking?

Haru was right. I was spying on them. I wanted to go and talk but I couldn't. Ugh... I never meant to push him like that or even grab onto his arm like it. He didn't deserve it. If anyone did I did.

I threw my phone on my plain duvet and lay face up on my half of the bunkbed, staring blankly at the ceiling. I'm so stupid.

"Are you alright?" asked my room-mate, Nitori Aiichirou. We we're in darkness.

"Yes... did I wake you when I came in?" I replied.

"No. I'm not going to lie, I really had only just came back... well not just. You know what I mean." he laughed.

I smiled, "Where did you go?"

"Only to visit my family. They do not live that far away but I did have to miss swim practice today."

"Shit." I whispered sharply. "I did too but didn't tell coach."

"I'm sure he won't mind." Nitori said, his voice having an unsure twist on it. "This once."

"Maybe. I'll text him now." I reached for my phone while my friend told me about his afternoon/evening with his family. There was a popup on my screen, telling me I had one new message.

Who is this?

It read. He didn't have my number? I'm sure I had given it to him before I left for Australia all those years back.

Rin Matsuoka.

I sent back.

Texting coach went over the top of my head and I just stared blankly at my phone, waiting for an answer.

•Haru's POV •

Rin... What does he want at this time of night?

What do you want?

Does that sound rude? I sent it anyway, and sat up in my bed. The time was 1 in the morning, and I seriously couldn't be bothered with shit. Excuse my language...

I wanted to apologise for what I did. It wasn't needed and I'm sorry. Can I make it up to you???

I raised an eyebrow. That doesn't sound like Rin at all. Ignoring that though, it made me feel better. It would be cool hanging out with Rin, especially after how long we haven't seen each other. Not that it's bothered me much...

Now you mention it, you can make it up to me.

I grinned at my phone even though he couldn't see it.

Welllll what do you want then?

This was my chance to get closer to Rin. In friendship!

I haven't been out somewhere in a while. Take me somewhere. Somewhere cool.

Deal. Tomorrow after school, I will come and get you. I'll leave it at that. Night, Haru.

Deal. Goodnight Rin.

With that, I locked my phone for good and went back to sleep. Inside me was excitement. A weird excitement. What's up with me...

The next morning I walked to school with Makoto. It was a boring day, but having art made it slightly better.

It was almost the end of the day, and we were in classic literature. Our teacher, Miho Amakata allowed us all to sit where we wanted to. Although it was a squeeze, I sat at Makoto's desk at the side.

"Five minutes." I whispered.

"Really? Yes! I'm looking forwards to swim practise today." Makoto replied, putting down his black pen.

"Oh um..." I began. "I can't come to practice today."

"That's a shame." Sighed my friend. "Are you allowed to say why?"

I nodded. "Of course..." Then I paused. Yesterday night. I had no idea how Makoto would react.

"Haru?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me worriedly.

"You worry too much." I said.

"I guess so..." Makoto blinked.

It worked. Hopefully, he will stay off my case for a while. Not in a mean way or anything.

Finally we were let out of school, and I successfully dodged Rei and Nagisa. I had lost Makoto in the crowds. Or he lost me.

• Rin's POV •

I stood by a fence waiting for Haru to arrive. Then I spotted him coming over. "Hey." I smiled.

"Hello." He replied, his facial expression the same as usual.

"Are you ready for the best day of the year?" I asked as we began to walk.

"Yeah but..." Haru frowned.

"But what?"

"This just feels different now." My friend explained.


"Because yesterday... yesterday when Makoto wanted to help me I think now he'll be mad if he found out that we've done this." What?

"I don't understand..." I said confusedly. "It's not Makoto's business in what you do."

"He's my best friend." Haru replied.

"Lets just forget about everything now, and focus on this." We arrived at the beach. The sand was soft and the ocean was beautiful.

"The beach?" Haru whispered.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Its a relaxing place."

"I love it." Haru's expression didn't change as he said that.

"I was going to take you to a pool, but I thought this is more roman- friendly." I suddenly paused. Haru turned to face me, his face emotionless.

"Romantic?" He spoke.

"Well uh..." I stuttered. I never stutter!

"How nice of you... I guess we should sit down?" Haru suggested. I was speechless.

"Sure..." I quietly said. "Haru I need to tell you something."

Haru faced me. "Yes?"

"I... I think I like you." I spat it out. Now I couldn't make it more awkward.

"Seriously?" Haru's eyes widened.

"Yes..." I confirmed it.

Suddenly, Haru began to run away. He left his bag here. "Haru!" I shouted as loudly as possible. Then I grabbed his bag and started to chase after him.


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