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•Thirteen• Nagisa's POV •

I had never seen Makoto like that... he's always been so relaxed about bad situations. But this one was completely different to him.

Rin was arguing with him. People were staring at us, and I had no idea what to do. Neither did Rei. It had always been Makoto helping solve our problems. I guess he was so pissed, we didn't want to get involved.

"Forget this!" He yelled.

"What?" Rin replied back with anger in his eyes.

"I'm leaving. Tell Haru I'll see him tomorrow." Makoto started to walk away, and it was my time to step up and talk to him.

"Shit." Rin turned away, and turned back to the window he was looking through when we arrived.

"What shall we do?" I whispered to Rei.

He shrugged but then came up with an idea. "I'll talk to Rin and you can to Makoto."

I paused. Then I thought back to how many times he had helped me. "Alright then. I"ll call you later and tell you how it goes."

With that I started to run in the direction Makoto went. For some reason I was scared. I didn't know why. Maybe scared to loose my friends and us all be split up... no, that can't happen! Not now, after all these years.

I shook my head and turned my thoughts back to Makoto. Soon I found him, sat alone on a bench outside the A&E. His head was in his hands and I felt reluctant to go over to him.

But I did anyway.

"Makoto?" I asked anxiously.

He didn't talk for a minute or so, but then replied, "What?"

I swallowed hard. All my words got caught up in my throat for a while. Why was I so scared?

"Can I talk to you?" I decided to dive straight into it. There was no point in dragging this on.

"I don't know..." Makoto slowly stopped talking. "What am I doing!"

"Huh?" I went and sat next to him.

"I've been such a bad friend." Makoto's green eyes filled with tears.

"No don't cry!" I frowned. "It's alright for you to have been upset."

"It's just been so sudden... not only have I been a bad friend to Rin but to Haru too. He'll hate me for this." Makoto sobbed.

I tried to comfort him as best as I could. Wow, this stuff isn't as easy as Makoto makes it look.

"No he won't." I sighed. "Like I said, you were probably shocked and couldn't control your emotions for a while. It happens to us all, believe me."

"Really?" Makoto asked, looking at me.

"Yes really." I confirmed. "So, now that that's cleared up shall we go see if Haru is better yet?"

Makoto nodded and we stood up. Then I heard my ringtone. It was Rei.

"Excuse me for one moment," I said, stepping away from Makoto. "How did it go?"

"Nagisa its not good." Rei answered. My eyes widened.

"What's happened?" I questioned.

"Rin really doesn't want to see Makoto... he's saying this because he thinks Makoto doesn't care about Haru and will hurt his feelings somehow. I do not know where that idea has come from."

I bit my lip, "Makoto was the opposite. He realised what he had done and wants to aplogise to Rin... shit this is bad."

"I know. Now Rin is sat next to Haru. It's only two people in his room at a time." Rei spoke.

"Is Haru awake?" I asked.

"No... but he's in a good condition."

I nodded to myself. "I guess that's half good."

I was about to talk again, but was interuppted by Makoto.

"Nagisa what's going on?" He shouted.

"Crap! We're coming in, I can't stop him now." I bit my lip nervously.

"Don't worry Nagisa," Rei reassured me. He made me feel a little bit better. "We've done our bit, now it's down to Rin and Makoto."

"Yeah... see you in a minute."

"Bye." I ended the call and rushed over to Makoto. We entered the tall building and soon I was back with Rei.

"I'll see you in a bit." Makoto smiled slightly.

"Bye..." We watched Makoto enter the room.

We had no idea what was going to happen.

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