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•Twelve• Makoto's POV •

I had no idea what Haru was doing. In addition to that, no idea what was going through his head. All I wanted to do was help him. Whatever he needed. I had no clue.


I had known him long enough. Long enough to tell his emotions, even when his face was completely not showing any. I still could see through it.

"Where's Haru!" Yelled Gou with narrowed eyebrows.

"He's gone to the bathroom." I shouted back.

"Well he'd better be back soon!" Gou then turned to Nagisa who was floating happily in the relaxing pool water.

I breathed out, and pretended everything was fine. Even though, it didn't seem so.

• Haru's POV •

I rushed through the school, passing by a few students on the way. Luckily, most teachers were having food so hardly any of them were strolling through the halls.

It was perfect.

Soon enough I was at the school's reception. Our receptionist was on the phone, deep in conversation. Silently I slipped past the desk and speedwalked through the doors. I climbed over the fence surrounding the school and ran as quickly as possible to Samezuka Academy.

I had fifteen minutes to get there before the Samezuka students went back into lesson. Myself against time. Unfortunate.

Over the last few weeks, Rei had been taking me on runs and I think it helped a lot. Only a bit, though.

There he was. With Sousuke by a bike area. Also there were some other people there too. I felt nervous to shout Rin's name.

But it had to be done.

My heart was thumping fast in my chest and my breathing was quicker than normal. I blamed the running. Quickly I leaned against the fence to get more air and recover quicker.

"Hey who's that?" Someone shouted. Suddenly my eyes widened and I was stuck.

"No idea," Rin answered. They started coming over. "Haru!"

"Haru?" The people talked amongst themselves. Slowly I looked up and turned my gaze to Rin.

"I... need to talk to you..." I said between breaths. I felt my legs getting weaker.

"Haru!" Yelled Rin as I collapsed onto the floor.

It all became one big blur.

• Rin's POV •

"Shit!" I shouted, trying to climb over the fence. My friends helped me up and I landed safely on the ground again.

I ran over to Haru, and kneeled beside him. "Someone get help! Don't just stand there!"

A few of the guys ran away to tell someone. I just froze. "Rin." Sousuke said at the other side of the fence.

"What." I panicked, feeling tears fill my red eyes. I grabbed Haru's hand and held it as tightly as possible.

"Calm down."

Anger started to flood through me. I had no idea why. I was scared. Confused. Helpless...

"Calm down!" I yelled aggressively. "How can I calm down when Haru's like this!"

Sousuke shrugged and looked straight at him. A teacher came running over with the boys who told her. She took over it, and I was pushed out of the way.

Soon, an ambulance came. Haru was safely in there, still not awake. "You can take one person." Said the paramedic.

"I'll go." Sighed the teacher.

"But I want to..." I whispered sharply, the tears still building up. "Haru doesn't know you. He'll want me there."

The teacher nodded and let me go in the ambulance instead. I rushed into it and sat in a chair near Haru's bed. Once again I held his hand.

"What's happened to you?" I whispered. As the ambulance moved, some paramedic was doing stuff to him. I had no idea what. "What are you doing?"

She put a mask on his face. "I'm making sure he's well and stable at this moment. So far, all is good."

I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"The mask is just oxygen. It'll help him with breathing." The lady smiled at me.

"Thanks..." I said, still quite worried.

"No problem." She replied. "When we get to A&E the doctors will be able to find out more in what's happened and what's caused this. Do you know anything?"

I shook my head. All I knew was Haru was at the academy. Then just collapsed on the floor. I told her what I knew.

"Thinking back, he did seem quite out of breath." I added to what I said.

The paramedic nodded, telling me she listened.

Soon we arrived, and Haru was quickly moved into a safe room where he was being looked after. While the doctors and nurses ran tests on him, I was told to wait outside. Every minute I spent out there, I stared through the window to see if anything happened. In my mind I knew he would wake up, and I'd be allowed to see him.

Also, I called Makoto and the others to tell them what happened. They said they were going to come in to see Haru. But, I didn't know how they could because they were in school. I was still confused to how they were able to answer my calls.

"Rin!" It was Makoto. They all came rushing over to me.

"You came." I said thankfully.

"Of course we would." Rei blinked. "Anyway how is he?"

"Well..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"He isn't dead is he!" Nagisa exclaimed, causing people to look.

"No! Don't say that." I replied. It came out more harshly than intended.

"Then what's wrong with him?" Makoto narrowed his eyebrows at me.

"He's not awake." I finally said it.

"Not awake..." Makoto whispered. "What on Earth happened!"

"Nothing-" I began to talk.

"Nothing!" Makoto yelled. "It's obviously something if Haru is in that state!"

"I know! He came to Samezuka and suddenly collapsed! What more do you want to know." I snapped back.

Nagisa and Rei were shocked. Makoto was still angry. I felt guilty.

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