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•Two• Rin's POV •

Haru was staring at me, his mouth slightly open. "When did you get back?" Asked my little sister, Gou excitedly. She rushed up to me after dropping the stopwatch she was holding.

"I arrived here months ago... but couldn't find the time to visit."

"Really?" Gou narrowed her red eyes. "Then what was more important?"

"Well, I had school to start off with, and lots of training to do." I shrugged.

"Rinnnnn." Gou groaned.

"Sorry. I'll make it up to you soon."

"Alright then... that reminds me. Nagisa, Rei, I need you both for a couple of minutes."

"Why?" Rei asked.

"Just come on."

With that, the three of them left, leaving myself, Makoto and Haru. He was still staring at me.

"So... I see you guys have been training too." I leaned back against the fence surrounding the pool and crossed my arms.

"Yes we have." Makoto answered with a smile.

"Good. I'm guessing you're all competing then?" I titled my head.

"In what?" Haru finally spoke. His voice was quiet and different from when we were kids... Of course.

"Prefecturals." I answered. "I'm sure Gou was going to tell you."

"Probably." Makoto laughed slightly.

"Makoto get your ass over here please!" shouted Gou.

"Oh um... okay?" he yelled back.

Make things more awkward then. Great. We were alone. Just me and Haru by a pool.

"What's this?" I picked up the stopwatch Gou dropped. "Pretty fast."

"I know. It's mine." Haru murmured.

"At this rate you will definitely make it to the finals. Good job." I cheered, throwing the stopwatch back down on the floor.

"Don't break that." Haru sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

The sky was orange and looked beautiful. "I won't. You don't seem proud of that time?"

"Because I'm not. I have always said I swim for myself and my friends, and always will." Haru rubbed his hair with a blue towel.

"In this case, I'll have to change that." I smirked.

"I doubt you will be able to very much." My friend began to walk away.

"I will. Don't you worry."

"Why would I need to worry about something which won't happen?"

I laughed slightly, and found myself alone. Then, felt something weird inside me. What was it?

Haru's POV

I breathed out slowly and went to find the others. Gou was sat on a bench reading something. "Gou where is everyone?"

"They've gone to get changed." she shouted

"Thanks." I said. Outside there was a soft wind which gently blew through my hair. It felt relaxing, but not as much as the water did.  Rei was already back in his school uniform by the time I got into the changing rooms.

"Hurry up Nagisa!" he urged, swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Sorry!" Nagisa replied,  pulling up his trousers.

"Haru," smiled Makoto he gestured for me to go over to him. "Are you okay? You seemed quiet back there when Rin turned up. Has something happened?"

I thought for a moment. "No."

"Are you sure?" my friend asked.

I nodded. "Are you guys going to walk ahead?"

"I'm not sure. Nagisa, Rei, you can leave if you want. I'll stay." Makoto was one of my best friends. He was nice, and always cared about us.

"But it's pizza night." Nagisa frowned. "We all need to be at my house."

"I'm not hungry." I plainly said.

"That doesn't matter," Rei began. "We need everyone there."

"We'll catch up." Makoto suggested.

"Fine. Come on Rei!" Nagisa started pulling him away.

"Nagisa I'm following!" Rei shouted as they left. It was followed by Nagisa laughing.

"Those two are hilarious." Makoto snickered. He began to talk about swimming. Meanwhile, I looked around the changing room. There were rows of lockers. Lots and lots of lockers. Each of them belonged to a student. Unfortunately, mine wasn't by Makoto's locker so I usually was alone in every normal sports class when we had to put on our other clothes. Well, this isn't weird right?

"Urm... Haru?" Makoto clicked his fingers and I jumped slightly. "You must have been deep in thought."

"Kind of." I returned, buttoning up my white shirt. Soon I found myself fully dressed and ready to leave. "Anyway, how long have we been?"

"Holy moly... we're late!" gasped Makoto.

"Dude, we became late when Rei and Nagisa left."



Makoto started to speed walk away, and so I had to too. "Slow down!" I panted.

"Sorry." Makoto sighed.

"It's fine." I told him.

"Have I been... been slowing down?"

I tilted my head, confused but relieved I didn't have to power-walk anymore. "You've lost me."

"I feel like my swimming has been going downhill." Makoto explained. "It's really been bugging me."

"Do you want the truth?" I blinked.

"It would be nice."

"I have noticed your times being slower, but that doesn't matter. As long as you enjoy the swimming, everything is fine." I advised.

"That's great, but if I'm slowing down, what if I make us lose the relay in perfecturals?"

"Winning doesn't matter, Makoto." I shrugged and looked out into the distance. We were walking near the beach. I loved the ocean. It was warm, relaxing and looked beautiful. Considering it was turning night, the sea still looked amazing.

"I just don't want to let the team down."

"You will only let the team down, if you didn't try." I insisted, making him feel better.

"I guess that's true. Thanks Haru." Makoto smiled.

"Don't mention it."

I turned around and saw a figure in the distance. It was someone, someone with a manly figure, just stood there, leaning against a lampost. The light which it gave made the guy clearer to see. He was tall. But, I couldn't make out who it was. Eventually, the figure left. Were we being watched, or was he just waiting for somebody? I wanted to know.

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