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•Seven• Rin's POV •

It was my swim practice. Quickly I changed into my swimsuit and made my way to the Samezuka pool. People were training hard. We all wanted to be chosen to swim in prefecturals.

"Matsuoka!" Yelled an angry voice.

I rolled my eyes as I reconigsed who called my name. "Coach." I mumbled under my breath before turning around. He made his way towards me with narrowed eyebrows.

"Where have you been these last few days?" He snapped.

I hadn't prepared myself for this question, even though I knew somewhere inside he would ask one day. No, I had been too busy with things.

"I was busy." I tried to make it sound as convincing as possible.

"You?" The coach (Mikoshiba) laughed. "What was so important to put before swimming?"

I looked towards the floor. It was tough. I didn't know how to reply. To lie or be truthful?

"I had things to sort out." I paused and Mikoshiba glared at me. "Private things."

"Hm... just tell me when you will miss anymore practises. It would be nice if you came more often." Coach replied.

"Yes coach." I said.

"Now practise extra hard today, not that you'd need it with your skills here."

I began to walk away.

"Matsuoka, I want you to swim in prefecturals. Show me I can put you on my team."

I breathed out and nodded. "I will."

In the water I saw my friend Nitori swimming up and down. His passion and determination to be chosen was all over his face. Yeah, he's a good kid and if he keeps trying I think he has potential.

Other members of the team saw me coming up to them, and moved out the way. One guy had a stopwatch to time me. "You're back!" One cheered in the small crowd.

I got ready in my start position, after placing my goggles on my eyes and stretching the band around my head to let it go. It hit me in the head but I didn't mind. Good luck was with me. After that I heard a voice say "Go!" As soon as I processed it, which didn't take long at all, I pounced into the cool water like a cheetah to its prey. My fingers ran through the water like it was nothing, brushing it past me and making me swim quicker.

I was halfway through the lane I was in, and in the background I could hear the support from my teammates. It was great. Everything was great.

As I made my way to the turn, I took the opportunity to speed up and swim as fast as possible. I pushed off the wall of the pool and felt myself rush through the water quickly. Then, I started to swim again and felt my hand touch the other end of the pool.

I lifted my head out of the water and stood there, removing my hat and goggles at the same time. "Wow..." The stopwatch was being passed around everyone. I turned to coach to find he had a smile on his face.

"What is it?" I asked, feeling the cold chill of the water on my skin.

"You have a new record!" Exclaimed Nitori happily. He helped me out of the pool and showed me my time.

"Great job Matsuoka." Shouted Mikoshiba from the benches.

"Thanks..." I smiled slightly and caught the towel which was thrown at me. With it I started to dry my maroon hair.

"You did really well!" Nitori laughed, sitting next to me.

"I feel like I did." I breathed out relieved for some reason.

"Is something wrong?" My small friend asked.

"No... well not wrong but I need to tell you something important." I frowned.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Nitori looked at me.

"I will tell you, you're my friend."

"Alright then."

Nitori was my great friend with grey hair and light blue eyes. He was always there for me, especially when I couldn't see Gou or the others. I owed him a lot.

"Well, you remember I used to miss my friends when I joined Samezuka and couldn't see my friends and Gou for a while." I began. Nitori nodded. "You remember Haru?"

"Nanase?" Nitori questioned.

"Yeah." I answered feeling slightly embarrassed.

"What about him?"

I thought about how to explain it.

"Rin." My friend raised his eyebrows.

"Let me just get straight to the point," I looked at my knees. "We're together."

"Together? That's awesome!"

I felt a weight be lifted off my shoulders, but be suddenly put back on again.

"Nanase? I didn't know he was your type." Shouted someone from the pool enterence.

My eyes widened.


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