I don't think your toy giraffe is a store, Liv.

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What's your favorite color, animal, person, book, food, accent, and store?

Yellow, my brother Ty, Nico, Harry Potter book two, pizza, Italian, and anywhere that sells food. 

I decided to have Livvy do this one, too.

'P-p-p-pu-' (Purple. It's hard when you're two.)



'Wabblefish!' (The Rainbow Fish. It's really dark, now that I'm older.)

'Chuckcakes!' (She and Chuck had cupcakes for the first time together.)

'Whassat?' (Accents don't matter, as long as you play with her.)

'Yug yug yug yug yug' (She got distracted and didn't answer, but I figured a Yug store would be cool.)

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