I like hearing him say my name. Don't know why, just do.

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How does Nico pronounce your name?

I don't know which part of my name you mean, so I'll just do all of it. 

He's Italian, so the short 'i' sound in 'Will' is kind of hard to pronounce sometimes, which means my name comes out sounding more like 'Weel.'

Most of the time, though, he pronounces it the American way. 

My middle name has tripped people up as long as I can remember. Because it's weird and biblical, people assume it's complicated and make fools out of themselves trying to pronounce it. 

No. It's two simple words: Sam. Son. Yes, it sounds like Samsung. That's another way people screw it up. 

Nico, however, heard me say my name, and can therefore pronounce it like a normal human being. Instead of SAMson, he kind of says 'SAHMson,' but it's almost impossible to detect. 

My last name is hard in a really easy way. It's not the word 'solace,' which means comfort in times of distress. It's a lot more like 'soulless' said really quickly. 

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