It wasn't even that funny!

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Has Nico ever hit you? I don't mean playfully or while sparring. Like, has he ever /actually/ hit you?

I'm trying not to make this sound dark. It's not working.

Yeah, you need to work on the whole not-dark thing.

Twice, as far as I can remember.

He only meant to once.

We weren't dating, and I called him an insolent dolt. 

He kneed me in the gut and walked off.

The second time was almost an accident. 

I walked up behind him to tell him that I had most of the afternoon off (This would be about two months ago).

He wasn't facing me, so I tapped him on the shoulder.

Apparently he'd just finished training and was still very much on edge.

He spun around, and I got a fist straight to the mouth.

And you know what he does?

He falls over laughing.

And then, once he's calmed down, he asks if I'm okay.

Thanks, babe. Thanks.

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