I had to Google 'Upside down spin thing.' All I got were pictures of tops.

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If you, the seven, Nico, and Thalia went on one of those upside down spin things, what would be their reactions?

Jason- That person who just rides. Doesn't scream, doesn't put his hands up, just sits.

Piper- That person who is TERRIFIED but can't stop laughing. She'd probably put her hands up for a short amount of time.

Leo- That one person who is COMPLETELY into it. Hands up 24/7. Might get sick later.

Percy- Scared but not screaming. 

Annabeth- Too busy analyzing the structural integrity to be scared. Mad that the ride won't go slower because "It's too freaking hard to study things at this speed."

Frank- Scared to death. Not likely to scream, though.

Hazel- Comforting Frank, but still having fun.

Nico-I honestly don't know. I think he's either screaming or super enthusiastic.

Thalia- Won't stop yelling at the ride to "GO FASTER, PUNK! I WANT TO FLY OUT OF MY SEAT!"

Me- Once again, no idea. I've never been on a roller coaster-or any amusement park ride.

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