Do I regret breaking his heart? No, no I don't.

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nocturnal_writer lilylanne

There wasn't technically a question, but they wanted me to write what happened to Kay. It's a bit too long for the 2000-character comment allowance. 

Kay joined camp a few months after I did, in April or so. I instantly disliked him, mainly because he seemed to believe that he was in charge of everything, including things he knew nothing about. 

He was about a year older than I was, making him eleven at the time. He looked at least fourteen, though, and used that to his advantage, flirting with girls who were years older than him. 

Almost as soon as he got to camp, he started dating this girl named Tanya, who was thirteen. She was fairly nice, but I din't know her that well. 

Then he started seeing another girl in private. I'll get to how I know that later.

Anyway, the news got out, and Tanya was heartbroken. Amazingly, this didn't keep the girls in camp from wanting to date him. I don't know what was going on in their minds. 

Side note: Ana says they were trying to change him and get him to settle down.

So, pretty much a demigod version of 'The Bachelor'.

Kay went through girlfriends like tissues. He'd flirt with them, ask them out, and then just leave. It happened to a couple of my friends, and I hated him.

I think you guys can see why. 

Through this, he'd started approaching me, trying to talk to me and become my friend. 

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha NO.

I'd tell him to go away, and fifteen minutes later, he'd be back. 

This went on for months. Eventually, I started getting tired of telling him to buzz off and just ignored him. He never took the hint, and would follow me around for hours, telling me about who he'd dated and who he was cheating on them with. That's where I found out about the Tanya thing.

I began working longer hours in the infirmary to get away from him, and kind of discovered how much I enjoyed healing. You can blame him for me being a workaholic.

When I was about thirteen, he did probably the weirdest thing a jerk player like him could've done.

He asked me out.

I'm serious. 

He walked up to me and told me that he really wanted to go out with me. That he'd fallen for me over the past few years. 

Now, I had heard him talk to girls, and this wasn't anything like that. He'd hidden his over-inflated ego, and his voice was almost soft, instead of near shouting.

I said no.

"I hope to all the gods you're kidding," I said. "You think I would stand to even look at you, after you've hurt so many girls? I hate you, and you've been following me around for two years, annoying me. There is no way in hell I would ever tolerate you, forget like you. You're a jerk."

Kay stood there in shock, staring at me. 

I looked up at him, and my voice was almost a whisper. "Go to hell."

Then I walked away. I'm sure he screamed various obscenities at me, but I was too mad to hear him. 

The next day, he was gone. I don't know where he'd gone, or what had happened to him, and I frankly didn't care.

Nearly a year later, at the Battle of Manhattan, I saw him.

He'd joined Kronos' army.

I was in the middle of everything for the first part of the battle, and I came face-to-face with him. 

"Solace," he sneered. "I'll enjoy killing you, you little dipsh*t."

He lunged forward, and my vision went red. I kicked him in the chest, into one of his monster "allies," then ran off to look for Emma and Erica. What happened right after that is in the first book. 

The last time I saw him, the monster was on top of him, growling in his face.

That's all.

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