I don't bet.

87 17 7


Do you like bats ( The animal )?

Do you like peanut butter?

Do you think narwhals are real?

Dogs or cats?

Hellhounds or Cerberus?

And my friend Autumn_is_an_Angel said you still owe her five drachma you cheep ass bitch ps. Love you bro. ( her words not mine )

I mean, yeah. I don't feel any strong negative or positive emotion to bats.

It's a food. I like most food.


CATS. Dogs freak me out.

Is there an option where I don't choose either? Because I'd take that. 

Hellhounds are just big dogs though. Cerberus is a huge three-headed dog. So hellhounds.

I don't think I owe anyone money. I don't bet. Ever.

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