Dictionary of 'What The Hell Is Will Saying?' part 2

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It's back. 

Kicking kittens- Awful, annoying music that may or may not actually sound like someone kicking baby cats. (Example: This band must be kicking kittens or something.)

(Won't)Lick at a snake- Too lazy to chase a snake away or be productive at all. 

Muddin'-Taking a four-wheel drive vehicle out to a really wet and muddy area with the hope of losing control and skidding. Crazier Southerners (My family) attach an inner tube to the back and put the kids on that. It's like tubing, but you usually break a couple bones if you fall off.

Nose so high, she'd drown in a rainstorm- Vain or stuck-up. I've never heard this used for a guy.

Off like a turtle herd- Slow; not off to a great start.

Possum eating a sweet tater- Really happy. (Example: He's grinning like a possum eating a sweet tater.)

Quit going around your *ss to get to your elbow- Used by irritated Southerners to chide someone who does things in a more complicated and less helpful way/

Rode hard and put up wet- Someone who is really sweaty and exhausted after a long day of work.

Squeeze a quarter so tight the eagle screams- A fun alternative to 'pinching pennies.' Really, really stingy.

 Ten miles of bad road- When someone is having a bad day and they don't look good. (Example: He looks like ten miles of bad road.)

Uppity- Really arrogant or snobby.

Varmint- Someone who causes nothing but trouble. 

Windy as a sack full of farts- A liar.

You're gonna get old and new-monia dressed like that- Expression for someone who is scantily clad.

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