Thanks for the list, Em.

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Do you shave?

One weird fact about yourself?

Where do you think you get your height from?

Funniest thing Livvy says?

When was the last time you facepalmed?

Yes, actually. 

Uh... When my accent slips out, my voice drops over half an octave. Especially when I'm singing. However, since the only people who've heard me sing without hiding my accent live in North Carolina, I think I'm safe.

Uh, my mother's family. Most of my cousins, both male and female, are about six feet tall. I think I have an uncle who almost hit seven feet in college.

"Life is hard when you're three feet tall." Usually followed by a pout at whatever is currently making her life harder (shoes on the wrong feet, dropped food on her shirt, etc.)

Yesterday. I was hanging out  with Cecil and a few of his brothers, and Nico called me over. Travis grinned and whispered, in total Jefferson style, "Daddy's calling."

I shoved him into the grass.

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