I advise everyone to run as far away as possible.

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Why don't you tell us exactly what happened on your birthday?

Oh, boy.

Nico, you are not allowed to kill, maim, or injure anyone, okay?

It was my sixteenth birthday, and I was hanging out near the edge of the forest with a large group of people. 

Someone had smuggled in alcohol, and Cecil handed me a beer. (Side note: Yeah, some of us drink. We usually don't live to age 21, so we might as well.)

Yes, I know that drinking underage is risky. My judgement wasn't exactly the best. 

But anyway, this being the first time I consumed alcohol, I was wholly unprepared. For everything.

Turns out I'm a serious lightweight. I got quite drunk. From one beer.

And when I'm drunk, I flirt. With everyone. People often think I'm flirting with them when I'm sober; it's just how I talk and act. But when I'm drunk, it's really noticeable.

Anyway, somehow I ended up talking to Drew, which I try to avoid as much as possible. She was, as far as I could tell, also fairly inebriated, and had no idea that I wasn't actually flirting with her. 

Long story short: She kissed me. 

Like, a full-blown kiss. 

I was completely in shock. So much so that I didn't react for at least ten seconds. Then I shoved her away and left. 

And yes, Nico was around me while I was drunk. I usually flirt with him, so I doubt he noticed anything super unusual.

But yeah. Drew kissed me. 

No killing her, Nico. I'll have to clean up your mess.

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