I can also hit the high notes in that song.

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When did Nico first hear you sing? 

What was his reaction?

I don't know when he first heard me sing, considering that I sing almost constantly. 

But I do know that the first time he heard my full vocal range was around this time last year. He was with me and my siblings, and someone started singing 'Carol of the Bells.' Us being ourselves, we started singing along, and I took bass. 

Anyway, for those of you that don't know, there's a really freaking low note at the end. I put a link to the note, in case you're interested.

But yeah, I can sing that. 

His reaction was priceless. His jaw almost hit the floor, and he didn't speak for almost a minute.

Once he could, his first words were 'What- the hell- was that?' 

He knew I could sing soprano, but since I usually sing tenor, the bass thing was a complete shock to him.

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