She once said just 'aaa' for almost a full minute. Excellent breath control.

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How is Livvy?

She's great. 

Growing up way too quickly for my taste, but great.

She's not allowed to get any bigger. I want her to be two forever.

She's at that age where she likes being picked up or cuddled, but doesn't enjoy being carried at all.

Like, I'll pick her up and try to put her in her crib (which is about three feet away, mind you), and no matter how tired or happy she is, she starts, like, aggressively flopping around. 

It's like trying to hold a fish. 

But less wet. And much cuter.

And have I mentioned how freaking sassy she is?

I'm so proud.

If you try to help her with anything, but especially putting on socks or going on stairs, she'll cross her arms and say, in the most adorably put-off tone, "I can do it mySEWF, 'kay?"

It's hard not to laugh, because she's just so cute. 

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