That was probably a bad idea.

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How is Livvy?

*rubs hands excitedly* I don't think you know what you just got yourself into.

When I found her, she was downright tiny. Barely a year old, couldn't walk, and possibly the most helpless thing I've ever seen. 

Now she's two, speaking full sentences in both English and Italian, and running around on her little legs, which is adorable.

She's started holding her arms out and saying 'Su!' over and over again. It took me almost a week to figure out that 'Su' means 'up.'

I'm learning. It's slow, but it's happening.

The other day, someone put an adult-sized life jacket on her, and all you could see were her arms, legs, and head. She looked like a starfish, and she wouldn't stop laughing, possibly because I was laughing my head off.

Stairs are no problem for her, which is great, because there are a lot of stairs at camp. She just runs up them. 

The thing is, she has to do it herself. If I try to walk beside her, and she turns around and says, in a very bossy tone, "No! You wait." Then, once she's at the top, she'll turn and say, "Okay. I'm done." Then, I can walk up the stairs. 

It's kind of amusing.

I could honestly go on for hours, but the words have started floating, so I'm going to stop here.

To answer your question: Livvy's doing great. She's napping at the moment.

Ask Me (Again)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora