
115 16 40


Worst injury you've sustained?

Last song you sang?

Current favorite song?

What's your nervous tic? (tapping your foot, clicking pens, etc.)

I got hit by a car once. 

Twice, technically. 

The first one knocked me out cold and left bruises on my side for weeks.

The second time was almost a miss. A mattress strapped to the back of a pickup clipped me.

But hey, I lived next to a major road.

The last song I sang was 'Miss Jackson.' The last one I played was 'Jar of Hearts.'

Poker Face, I guess. It's stuck in my head, but I don't mind. I'm the only one who can sing the 'Mamamama' bit in the beginning.

I start wrapping and unwrapping an Ace bandage, usually around my wrist. It's good practice, and it's fun. Or I'll name all the major bones. 

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