It's /literally/ coming back to haunt me.

152 20 13


How fluffy is your hair? 

Does Livvy have her own bed, or does she sleep with you guys? 

Weirdest coincidences in your life?

My hair is quite fluffy. Especially during summer.

Livvy does have her own bed (We put an extra side on one of the bunks to make a crib like thing), but some nights she falls asleep in our bed, and it's honestly so cute that we don't have the heart to move her. 

Well, besides my existence (my name, my birthday, my allergy), I'd say my weirdest coincidence (if you can call it that) would be these past few weeks. 

First, Chiron sends me on a "quest" to go pick up a demigod. This demigod just so happens to be my next-door neighbor, who I babysat, in North Carolina. Then, I start having weird dreams, flashbacks of my old life. Then, about a week or so ago, I ran into my cousin Abraham.

No joke. He's a seminarian here in New York. Everyone on that side of my family pretty much thinks I'm dead, so that was an awkward encounter.

And finally, yesterday, I found an old notebook full of pictures. I brought it when I ran because I didn't want Genevieve to have them. 

I'd say that's pretty weird.

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