They're actually really enjoyable.

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You should tell us some funny Livvy stories.

I'm not sure if you mean stories about Livvy, or stories she's told. She's getting to be the age where she'll just babble incoherently for hours, explaining everything that happened to her, ever.

The most recent story was about a dream she'd apparently had. I added some translations in bold.

'One time I was a dog dotter (doctor) dotter...dogter [She spent a good minute or two smiling to herself for that one.] an' then I was ridin' a dog that had a booboo on its face an' then I got my st-sh-shth-sde- heart lis'ner (stethoscope) an' I lissened to the dog's heart and then I could fly because I had WINGS!  Not made of chicken, obvisilly (obviously). Chicken wings make you go 'BOOM' an' then 'SPLAT' an' then you're a big flat Jell-O and you gotta go to the dotter. [She realized that she'd gone on a wild tangent and pouted at me.] Don't distrat (distract) me! Aaaaaaaaanyway [She picked that up from me. I'm so proud.] I was flyin' an' then a DUCK came, an' it was made of YELLOW SQUISH. (Rubber. It was a rubber duck.) So I runned away an' then I went in my letto an' went to sleep e questa è la fine. (She went to bed, went to sleep, and that's the end of the dream.)

Then Chuck came by and wanted to play with Legos, so she went to play Legos. Because Legos.

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