Way more than you ever wanted to know about the Solace family.

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Mind explaining your family? (which cousins belong to who, brief description) If you're okay with it.


I'm gonna guess that you mean my mortal family. The godly one is too hard to describe.

Hannah and Samuel (grandparents)-

They were pretty okay. They never did anything bad to me directly, but they almost kicked Genevieve (my mother, for those of you who don't know) out of the house when she got pregnant at seventeen. Aside from that, and being stereotypical hyper-Catholic old people (racist, homophobic, etc.), they weren't terrible. 

Ezekiel and Anneliese (uncle and aunt)

Ezekiel was my mother's brother. He worked as a lawyer for some big thing, always wore a full suit, and was about 6'4." He was the kind of guy who you see and it automatically makes you nervous, because he rarely smiled. Anneliese was fairly nice, as my family goes. She was pretty kind to me, but would occasionally look at me nervously when she thought I couldn't see, just in case I turned into Satan in the middle of her kitchen. 

Abraham (cousin)

Ezekiel and Anneliese's oldest son. He was actually friendly to me, at least when we were alone. He was probably the only one of my relatives who didn't think I was demon spawn. He's twenty-one now, and is attending seminary school (studying to become a priest) here in New York. I have spoken to him. He's still a good guy.

Celeste and Nevaeh (cousins)

Abraham's sisters. They were twins, which is why I'm putting them together. Both of their names mean 'heaven' (Nevaeh's is actually heaven backwards), but they were children from Hell. They were only a year younger than I was, but they figured out really quickly that I didn't fight back, and made my life hell for five years. Of course, their parents thought they were angels.

Seth and Eva (uncle and aunt)

Seth was the absolute worst. He was the kind of guy who would start a fight if anyone criticized his football team. He played football in high school, but got kicked off for beating someone up when they didn't pray before a game. He drank- I don't know how much, but I rarely saw him without a beer- and would make these long speeches about how fornication (sex) out of wedlock was an invitation to the Devil, and how all children born out of wedlock were half demon. I'm certain they were all directed toward me. Surprise, surprise, he couldn't keep a job. Eva worked as a librarian and normally kept to herself.

Joel and Thomas (cousins)

They were Seth and Eva's kids. I'm putting them together because they were four and one when I left, so I didn't know them that well. Thomas didn't understand English, so he didn't hate me. As long as I gave him his toys back when he threw them out of his reach, he was happy. Joel, however, was actually terrified of me, probably due to his dad's rants. I didn't really spend any time with him.

Genevieve (my mother)

If y'all have read what I've written about her, you'll know- Genevieve is the kind of person you wouldn't mind killing. She was neglectful, ridiculously homophobic, and emotionally and physically abusive. 

Aaron (stepfather)

Genevieve married him not even a month after I ran away. He was a coach at the middle school I would've gone to. They have a three-year-old son, Joseph, who looks exactly like I did. Hair, eyes, everything. Aaron seems nice enough, but he didn't know who I was when I last saw him. I told him that I was Genevieve's son a few weeks later, after Abraham gave me his contact information, and he was completely shocked.

Apparently, everyone just assumed I was dead and went on with their lives.

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