She's very proud of her 'teef.'

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Sup. Uh... Do you know who I am? What makes you angry the most? If you don't know who I am, would you up to hanging out? How are you and Nico doing? And how old are you guys right now?

I can't say I know you very well, but I have heard about you.

When people mess with my stuff. They'll take my surfboard or go through the infirmary's stores and won't put anything back. I hate it.

I would definitely be up to hanging out. You seem cool.

Nico and I are doing great. Livvy is now a toothy monster, and will walk up to you and bite an apple just to prove she can. It's quite adorable.

Well, Livvy's two and a half, and Nico and I are sixteen. 

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