It's beautiful. Mitch is like Nico with my personality, and Scott is me.

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-The dessert that brings back the happiest memories?

-What movie is guaranteed to make you cry every time? 

-Do you watch any YouTubers? If so, what's your YouTube OTP?

Oh, boy. Most of my actually good memories are from camp, but we don't get a ton of desserts here, and there's no specific one I like the most. (Except maybe pudding. I managed to get a lot of it on Nico's face about a year ago, when we'd first "made it official." That was fun.)

But the dessert that brings back the happiest memories from before camp would probably be a Fruit Roll-Up. 

They're fairly disgusting. I've never really liked them, but Bailey, a girl who was in my class from third to fifth grade, gave one to me after some kid whose name I don't remember took my lunch.

I'm serious. He walked up to me, grabbed my tray, and walked off with a  'Thanks!'

Anyway, she took pity on my and gave me her Fruit Roll-Up, and we kind of became friends.


That movie...

The Boy In The Striped Pajamas as well.

I don't do well with tearjerkers.



I can see where the Phan shippers are coming from, but I haven't seen enough of their videos to completely ship it.

But Scömíche is amazing.

For those of you who haven't heard of that amazing ship, it's Scott and Mitch from Superfruit, or Scott and Mitch from Pentatonix.

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