Dictionary of 'What The Hell Is Will Saying?' part 1

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Can you give us a small lesson on Southern slang?

Of course!

I'll give y'all a basic dictionary of my most common phrases. 

Arkansas toothpick- a large knife or a sword

Bless your heart- a phrase you can add onto any insult to make it better, similar to 'With all due respect.' (Example: You don't have half the brains God gave a donut, bless your heart.)

Cattywampus- a crazy, jumbled mess

Duck fit/ Dying duck fit- A tantrum or a hissy fit, but slightly worse.

Egg-sucking dog- A person who has an unbreakable habit

Fart in a fan factory- Confused, out of place

Gets my goose- They annoy me

Hankering- A want (Example: I've got a hankering for cake= I want cake.)

I could eat the north end of a south-bound polecat- I'm really, really hungry.

Jerk a knot in your tail- Beat you up, make your life miserable

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