Mr Bastard But Why?

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Mandy's POV

What is she on about I haven't done anything to make Jasper change, in fact we hated each other, Perhaps she means because I left Hollywood, he and everyone else is happier.

"Well good I hope he is happy" my manners kicking in again.

"Well no he's not happy really "

Now I was totally confused, first he's happy and Hollywood is happy because I left, now he's not happy.

The confusion must have shown on my face, as Diane sighed.

"I'm not explaining this very well, Mandy I know my brother better than anyone and he's happy because of you, he knows he's screwed up big time with you and he wants to change for you" she emphasised all the you's

"You would not believe how much he's done to improve and he's happier now than he's been in a long time with himself, but he's as miserable as sin, because you are not part of his life, do you understand?"

"But why would he want me to be part of his life, we hate each other"

"Do you" she asked stopping me again.

"Do you really hate my brother, honestly?"

I have thought about this for days, maybe weeks, do I hate him. I should the way he's treated me, but I knew I didn't, I liked it when he was around.

I dreaded it and loved it at the same time, so no I could honestly say I didn't hate him.

"No I don't hate him" I sighed. "I know I should but I don't "

Diane's face broke out in the biggest smile I had every seen.

"I knew it" she yelled.

"Knew what" I asked.

"Nothing, never mind, the important thing is my brother has deep feelings for you"

At this I laughed "He hates me"

"No, he's falling for you" she stated in a matter of fact tone.

"No way, I'm sorry I don't believe you, we are so different, it could never work"

She smiled again.

"So you have thought about it then"

Damn this woman she was to perceptive, I hadn't thought of anything else except her blasted brother, he plagued me 24 hours a day.

"No not really " I lied.

I could tell by the look on her face she didn't believe me. We carried on walking as Bonnie was getting impatient, there was a long silence as we were both deep in our own thought's.

"Mandy what I'm about to tell you is not public knowledge and under normal circumstances I wouldn't tell a soul. But these are not normal circumstances, will you promise not to divulge any of what I'm about to tell you"

'Wow' I thought 'this is getting heavy'

"I promise I won't tell anyone, but if it's about Jasper, I'm not sure I want to know"

"She grabbed my arm and I could see the pleading in her eye's.

"Mandy please"

"Okay, if your sure"

"I am, A few years ago Jasper had a girlfriend, whom he loved and thought she loved him back, He was a lot different in those days, happy, carefree and full of life.
They got married. At the time Jasper was building a successful empire, buying up businesses that were failing and turning them round and selling them on that's where they met.
Anyway Joanne became pregnant and Jasper was over the moon, he always wanted to have a family.
she talked him into signing over one of the more successful companies to her rather than sell it, so she could have her dream of running her own company. Jasper was so nieve in the ways of women and very much in love with her that he gave in to her.
Then out if the blue two months after she announced her pregnancy, Joanne said she wanted a divorce because she couldn't cope with their lifestyle, him working all hours, so they split up.
Then two months down the line she tells him she'd had a miscarriage and lost their baby, Jasper was devastated.
However by a freak accident he finds out she's been having an affair with a doctor even before they were married and that she had an abortion to get rid of the child, to this day we don't know if the baby was his or the doctors child.
This changed Jasper overnight, He vowed revenge and his hatred of all humanity set in, he waited until his new film company was doing well and then he set out and destroyed Joanne's relationship, before he destroyed the doctors career, then he bankrupted Joanne's company and then he bankrupted her personally and showed no emotion when she committed suicide"

I stood there stunned, how could anyone be so evil and ruthless to use and kill a baby for gain, no wonder he hated everybody, I could feel the anger boiling up inside me and I couldn't help my outburst.

"What a bitch, how could she do that to a baby, she deserved everything she got, poor Jasper"

"Yes she did and Jasper has carried on his hatred of everyone since, that is until he met you, you have started to change him back, he's becoming his old self again because of you Amanda Clayton.
He's righting his wrongs and that's why Hollywood loves you and I'll tell you now once he figures out how to right his wrongs he did to you, he will be coming for you" she finished with a smile.

Now I was in full panic mode.

"What do you mean coming for me, there's no point as I keep saying we are so different and I can't give up my mother's and my dream, not even for a man I love, I mean if I did love him, I just couldn't"

Now Diane was full on beaming at me, nodding her head very slightly.

Oh no he can't come for me I'm not ready, I can't leave, I can't love him, he hates me, I hate him. I was starting to hyperventilate.

"Hey easy there" Diane said in a calming voice "Don't get yourself worked up, I know he's hooked on you and I'm pretty sure you have feelings for my brother, please believe me he will never, ever make you give up anything you don't want to, he has a way of solving the most impossible situations"

'Oh god help me, why me' I thought 'He can't love me, he just can't, it's not possible, friends that it that's the answer we will become friends, won't we?'

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