Chapter 26 (REWRITE)

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*picture of Joey above*

Henry sat down on the chair on the island. "You want to know what happened to Rose after she was taken?" he asked.

Lilly hesitantly nodded.

Henry rubbed his face with his hand, preparing himself. "Her first Master . . . my brother . . . was abusive to her. For whatever reason, he returned her, and a few weeks later, I walked in." He cleared his throat. "I bought her. I-I think that if I didn't, she would be dead." His voice was beginning to shake. Even though he had said that, she had already died and now this happened. He couldn't help but feel guilty for all of it. "I um . . . turned and drank her." His entire body began to shake. "I-I almost killed her, but she forgave me. Somehow, she forgave me," he said the last part more to himself.

Lilly's intense gaze brought him back.

"My brother came to my house one day and there . . . there was an accident. Before sh-she died, she asked me to change her. I did, but somehow my father found out, and now her life is in danger again."

There was silence between them. Lilly sat there speechless, too shocked to say anything. Just thinking of a portion of what her sister had been through made her eyes tear up. Henry violently wiped his tears away with the back of his hand, he hadn't even known they were there. He had tried to say everything as shortened and bluntly as possible to prevent this from happening, knowing that emotions could drain more of his energy.

Henry's head looked to the living room when he heard a small whimper. Lilly looked at where he was - his heightened senses allowing him to have the advantage. Henry used his super-speed to run to her, Lilly wasn't too far behind him, knowing something was wrong. Rose's tired, weak body jerked, her eyes tightly shut. She was still asleep.


Rose ran through the woods. Her lungs burned, and her legs had gone numb; her naked feet were being cut by sticks on the ground. Her body was too weak to run any further. The lack of food or any sort of comfort was proving to be effective. She stopped at a tree and started to climb. When her arms burned and her lungs felt like she had collapsed, she stopped on a branch that was hopefully high enough.

She took the collar off of her neck and threw it as far as she could. She tried to control her breathing, knowing that even that could be heard.

A minute later, she heard twigs break. She looked around and saw Rider walking. He stopped around the area that Rose was in, his eyes landing on the collar. Picking up the collar, he tucked it into his pocket. Somehow, from her watching him, she knew he had changed into the Master she feared every second of every day. The dark red eyes. The lack of hesitation as he struck her. The way she knew he didn't think of her as human.

Rider ran to the other direction, away from Rose. She breathed out deeply and relaxed.

Suddenly, she was pushed off the branch. She fell, crashing into twigs on her way down, and hit the ground as the air was knocked out of her. A scream crashed through the air as the pain in her back became amplified. Even though she couldn't see it, she knew a few branches had ripped apart her back.

She breathed out deeply, trying to regain some air. However, that didn't stop her from quickly standing up and starting to run. She ran into what felt like a wall. Rider grabbed her and shoved her down so hard, her head struck the ground and her body went limp for a second or two. Before she could plead or react, pain erupted from her body. Every kick or punch seemed to become amplified and she couldn't help but scream for some form of mercy.

Rider kneeled down to her shaking body and strapped the collar around her neck again. Grabbing the leather, he stood and dragged Rose behind him.

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