Food | Steve Rogers

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Living in the same house as Steve Rogers had its downsides.

Sure, he was a complete gentleman, he respected your space, and was so sweet that sometimes you felt like you would explode. But you only had one problem.


Steve had a huge appetite: probably caused by the serum, which gave him a supersonic metabolism. And him bulldozing through the leftovers in the refrigerator always left you hungry when he went on a mission. Add that to your general sense of procrastination, the house never had enough groceries for two people. Let alone one.

So, there you were, staring blankly at the kitchen, too lazy to go out to eat, too uneducated in the art of cooking, and just too tired of pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Yes, it was possible. You were tired of pizza.

As horrible as it sounds, it wasn't really that bad. Sure, you could order Chinese food, but the people who answered the phone were really hard to understand, and you were too hungry to deal with mental gymnastics at this point.

You could eat your arm, although that would be impractical. You would bleed out in minutes if you severed your arm.

There were stale potato chips in the cupboard, but they had been there for over a month now, and that was a risk you weren't about to take.

So, you were forced to eat the pizza.

Sighing, you grabbed the box, picking two slices to set it on a plate and placing it in the microwave for a minute.

You walked to the living room, and turned on the TV, finding a replay of one of your favorite shows. You left it on, turning up the volume slightly and walked back to the kitchen, waiting for your pizza to finish heating up.

As the show progressed and the microwave timer slowly ticked down, you heard the door click and the key being taken out of the lock.

"Honey! I'm home!" Steve sang, taking off his jacket and throwing it over the back of the couch.

"In the kitchen!" You responded, opening the microwave and pulling out the plate of steaming goodness.

He walked into the room, still in uniform and carrying his shield which was strapped against his back.

"Ooh! Pizza!" He exclaimed, getting a slice off your plate and taking a huge bite out of it.

You sighed, handing him the whole plate. "I guess no pizza for me then."

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